GO:0004635: phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase activity (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of the reaction: 1-(5-phosphonatoribosyl)-5'-AMP + H(2)O = 1-(5-phosphoribosyl)-5-[(5-phosphoribosylamino)methylideneamino]imidazole-4-carboxamide." [EC:, RHEA:20049]

There are 964 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_124 Solanum pennellii 0.66 % 0.00338 0.046394
Cluster_6 Arabidopsis thaliana 0.45 % 0.008084 0.038951
Cluster_156 Physcomitrella patens 1.49 % 0.002076 0.044117
Cluster_3 Porphyridium purpureum 0.48 % 0.024776 0.048773
Cluster_121 Brachypodium distachyon 1.09 % 0.002681 0.011721
Cluster_174 Zea mays 2.38 % 0.000662 0.007976
cluster_0085 Oryza sativa 0.43 % 0.004159 0.040573
cluster_0117 Populus trichocarpa 0.93 % 0.002491 0.022421
Cluster_75 Brassica rapa 1.12 % 0.004391 0.017992
Cluster_174 Sorghum bicolor 1.15 % 0.005092 0.020292
Cluster_80 Sorghum bicolor 0.96 % 0.006085 0.041767
Sequences (964) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms