Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os01g42200 expressed protein 0.9826894773523972 1 LOC_Os07g40900 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed 0.9642770209978243 3 LOC_Os05g11990 TTL1, putative, expressed 0.9611565860724657 3 LOC_Os03g19290 mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim17, putative, expressed 0.9561748203884406 7 LOC_Os09g31454 MYB family transcription factor, putative, expressed 0.9561430762020432 6 LOC_Os11g26190 RALFL23 - Rapid ALkalinization Factor RALF family protein precursor, expressed 0.9526864669072451 7 LOC_Os05g09704 HAD superfamily phosphatase, putative, expressed 0.9516217718176517 7 LOC_Os07g04940 uncharacterized PE-PGRS family protein PE_PGRS54 precursor, putative, expressed 0.9513416086660493 8 LOC_Os04g33820 OsFBX132 - F-box domain containing protein, expressed 0.9475168448359393 9 LOC_Os02g37254 expressed protein 0.946144012461654 10 LOC_Os03g02050 LTPL151 - Protease inhibitor/seed storage/LTP family protein precursor, expressed 0.9443777224203307 11 LOC_Os03g09020 dehydrogenase, putative, expressed 0.9431592963054666 12 LOC_Os04g31410 RALFL37 - Rapid ALkalinization Factor RALF family protein precursor, expressed 0.9431361257111055 14 LOC_Os05g15850 glycosyl hydrolase, putative, expressed 0.9423655646957211 14 LOC_Os05g01810 xylem cysteine proteinase 2 precursor, putative, expressed 0.9409683571367543 15 LOC_Os04g31520 RALFL21 - Rapid ALkalinization Factor RALF family protein precursor, expressed 0.9386190522739819 16 LOC_Os01g06580 fasciclin domain containing protein, expressed 0.9382144434082101 17 LOC_Os05g03130 OsRCI2-7 - Putative low temperature and salt responsive protein, expressed 0.9380005478611666 27 LOC_Os04g32030 heavy metal-associated domain containing protein, expressed 0.9339746671635565 19 LOC_Os08g15890 hypothetical protein 0.9321338095953057 32 LOC_Os11g26340 RALFL24 - Rapid ALkalinization Factor RALF family protein precursor, expressed 0.9301666749351567 46 LOC_Os03g52370 PIII4 - Proteinase inhibitor II family protein precursor, expressed 0.9297969723294578 22 LOC_Os03g63540 lysine-rich arabinogalactan protein 19 precursor, putative, expressed 0.9267303177356265 23 LOC_Os01g68290 expressed protein 0.9227494254664992 37 LOC_Os05g13900 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed 0.9208730236364758 25 LOC_Os06g15370 peptide transporter PTR2, putative, expressed 0.9207434584049771 26 LOC_Os12g02300 LTPL26 - Protease inhibitor/seed storage/LTP family protein precursor, expressed 0.9197764410735096 28 LOC_Os02g12730 beta-galactosidase precursor, putative, expressed 0.9178494329670014 28 LOC_Os07g38630 expressed protein 0.9177483211148482 29 LOC_Os05g10210 HAD superfamily phosphatase, putative, expressed 0.9163748405911561 30 LOC_Os09g29660 white-brown complex homolog protein 11, putative, expressed 0.9152472567767735 31 LOC_Os02g58720 peroxidase precursor, putative, expressed 0.9142244408266766 32 LOC_Os09g37020 expressed protein 0.9137515459497161 33 LOC_Os03g08790 aspartic proteinase nepenthesin precursor, putative, expressed 0.9133869278194572 34 LOC_Os03g03164 homeobox protein knotted-1, putative, expressed 0.9132823794166259 45 LOC_Os07g01370 peroxidase precursor, putative, expressed 0.9115742751299251 39 LOC_Os03g07190 expressed protein 0.9106649367562807 78 LOC_Os10g01920 transferase family protein, putative, expressed 0.9101706576553126 38 LOC_Os03g28389 expressed protein 0.9094099095691238 39 LOC_Os06g46740 early nodulin 20 precursor, putative, expressed 0.9091365343810802 40 LOC_Os12g43630 lactate/malate dehydrogenase, putative, expressed 0.9090957915016273 41 LOC_Os03g63390 plastocyanin-like domain containing protein, putative, expressed 0.9075515579577154 42 LOC_Os01g15770 transmembrane protein 136, putative, expressed 0.9075012315639575 43 LOC_Os08g32160 oxidoreductase, 2OG-FeII oxygenase domain containing protein, putative, expressed 0.9068963371560245 44 LOC_Os02g20560 fasciclin domain containing protein, expressed 0.9059151218665948 94 LOC_Os06g50950 GDSL-like lipase/acylhydrolase, putative, expressed 0.9053551035082543 46 LOC_Os01g65780 glycosyl transferase, putative, expressed 0.9049691749132285 47 LOC_Os12g42220 expressed protein 0.9037487839524454 65 LOC_Os06g40650 copine-1, putative, expressed 0.903488173002945 49 LOC_Os05g28730 zinc finger, C3HC4 type domain containing protein, expressed 0.9030809085710282 50 LOC_Os10g07210 hsp20/alpha crystallin family protein, putative, expressed 0.9029692325323971 57 LOC_Os06g48210 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase, putative, expressed 0.9023907776275277 53 LOC_Os09g17620 ubiquitin domain-containing protein 2, putative, expressed 0.9019473013147917 54 LOC_Os03g10390 expressed protein 0.9006927923219985 55 LOC_Os03g07180 embryonic protein DC-8, putative, expressed 0.8990477595550105 61 LOC_Os06g12370 OsFtsH6 FtsH protease, homologue of AtFtsH6, expressed 0.8990441748098777 76 LOC_Os11g32890 expressed protein 0.8990249667559319 58 LOC_Os10g33520 alcohol oxidase, putative, expressed 0.8986244129062503 59 LOC_Os06g30950 transporter-related, putative, expressed 0.8960944973603805 60 LOC_Os08g24790 AIR12, putative, expressed 0.8954269468609642 61 LOC_Os11g10770 disease resistance protein RGA3, putative, expressed 0.8931136155620709 64 LOC_Os10g21670 dehydration stress-induced protein, putative, expressed 0.892759575102543 65 LOC_Os12g27830 dehydrogenase/reductase, putative, expressed 0.8922262195063033 97 LOC_Os02g13840 citrate synthase, putative, expressed 0.8919888597952829 69 LOC_Os02g20540 fasciclin domain containing protein, expressed 0.891804966071517 68 LOC_Os04g55159 LTPL125 - Protease inhibitor/seed storage/LTP family protein precursor, putative, expressed 0.8905410971598984 69 LOC_Os03g51350 expressed protein 0.8901009344268374 70 LOC_Os03g45619 cytochrome P450, putative, expressed 0.8894130507331719 92 LOC_Os05g46480 late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3, putative, expressed 0.8882419850203398 74 LOC_Os08g01370 expressed protein 0.8881502631014939 75 LOC_Os10g09850 EF hand family protein, putative, expressed 0.8877938147521366 77 LOC_Os04g54810 beta-D-xylosidase, putative, expressed 0.8876609894423719 78 LOC_Os06g38294 peptide transporter PTR2, putative, expressed 0.886987992763395 80 LOC_Os04g56030 glycine-rich cell wall structural protein precursor, putative, expressed 0.8867628636190075 81 LOC_Os02g43280 aldehyde dehydrogenase, putative, expressed 0.8858682103381013 82 LOC_Os03g02860 heavy metal-associated domain containing protein, expressed 0.8841909453835213 84 LOC_Os06g05440 expressed protein 0.8834148966704684 85 LOC_Os01g02139 expressed protein 0.8823148869661421 86 LOC_Os05g28520 MRH1, putative, expressed 0.8813155135316548 88 LOC_Os06g09290 26S protease regulatory subunit 7, putative, expressed 0.8811052532951813 89 LOC_Os01g49770 zinc finger, C3HC4 type domain containing protein, expressed 0.8807550650450149 90 LOC_Os05g48980 ras-related protein, putative, expressed 0.8804056707395591 91 LOC_Os11g26780 dehydrin, putative, expressed 0.8802581842112376 92 LOC_Os01g50910 late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3, putative, expressed 0.8800761575532723 100 LOC_Os08g35190 auxin-repressed protein, putative, expressed 0.8794265233272279 94 LOC_Os01g73980 xylem cysteine proteinase 2 precursor, putative, expressed 0.8784829065554671 95 LOC_Os07g42430 expressed protein 0.8726227550488102 100