Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s238_77V6 adenylosuccinate chloroplast expressed 0.8169737555901483 10 Pp1s8_80V6 rna binding 0.8064307828036249 19 Pp1s56_119V6 cg30051 cg30051-pb 0.8020091614802952 34 Pp1s68_224V6 MQO24.4; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7926445817282994 6 Pp1s39_129V6 component of scar regulatory complex 0.788482940119052 11 Pp1s7_178V6 n-acetylglutamate synthase 0.7727436159052489 19 Pp1s421_8V6 abscisic acid-induced 0.7655324254782788 8 Pp1s197_92V6 rac-gtp binding 0.7633613492489417 15 Pp1s6_422V6 glutamyl-trna amidotransferase subunit 0.75875396393515 27 Pp1s34_165V6 type 2 diacylglycerol acyltransferase 0.7540954513468469 14 Pp1s15_226V6 mitochondrial import receptor subunit tom20 0.7486723354177434 86 Pp1s58_115V6 phosphatidylinositol class v 0.7479483542706761 16 Pp1s85_15V6 gcn5-related n-acetyltransferasefamily protein 0.7429352706258023 53 Pp1s795_3V6 magnesium transporter 0.7398841946045477 21 Pp1s141_125V6 F9D12.18; chaperonin, putative [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7394553412978495 22 Pp1s35_219V6 somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase 0.7388361674053381 24 Pp1s539_4V6 atapy2 (arabidopsis thaliana apyrase 2) atpase nucleotide diphosphatase 0.7373955403939099 47 Pp1s67_257V6 Thymidine kinase [Oryza sativa] 0.7373527599263694 72 Pp1s78_56V6 dihydrolipoamide s- 0.7353249240510319 40 Pp1s184_72V6 radical s-adenosyl methionine and flavodoxin domains 1 0.7336301535913367 32 Pp1s68_6V6 likely peroxisomal biogenesis aaa atpase pex6 0.7299508405646445 47 Pp1s19_32V6 nuclear division rft1-like protein 0.7272954515557309 38 Pp1s275_2V6 ftsZ1-1 gene for plastid division protein FtsZ1-1 0.7255122111202562 63 Pp1s268_11V6 deah (asp-glu-ala-his) box polypeptide 35 0.7245998369688955 43 Pp1s66_155V6 at5g15650 f14f8_30 0.7243805250594297 44 Pp1s243_26V6 MSI17.7; esterase/lipase/thioesterase family [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7218188984708864 49 Pp1s263_69V6 ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase a 0.7217178228535954 50 Pp1s1_793V6 50s ribosomal protein l21 0.720137460477622 54 Pp1s67_242V6 mechanosensitive ion channel domain-containing protein ms ion channel domain-containing protein 0.7194187080500766 55 Pp1s86_210V6 tetratricopeptide repeat domain 27 0.7166470699665172 59 Pp1s195_53V6 er lumen protein retaining receptor 0.7158822926417604 79 Pp1s96_127V6 esterase lipase thioesterase family protein 0.7158675154824694 61 Pp1s149_21V6 0.7152877427890671 68 Pp1s88_58V6 aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase 0.7101522395798598 70 Pp1s26_125V6 K14B20.15; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7069292342749055 73 Pp1s82_66V6 MYH19.13; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.706235077834688 76 Pp1s101_182V6 hypothetical protein [Cyanidioschyzon merolae] 0.7037413235617819 81 Pp1s14_317V6 integral membrane 0.7027447629437572 82 Pp1s51_278V6 lipid-a-disaccharide synthase 0.7006893641625644 85 Pp1s96_146V6 cholesterol transport protein 0.700044716758933 88 Pp1s8_168V6 acetyl- biotin carboxylase 0.6987979209882507 90