Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s137_291V6 autoinhibited h+ atpase 0.758767181499205 86 Pp1s26_164V6 Pathogenesis-related protein R minor form precursor (PR-R) (PROB12) (Thaumatin-like protein E2) [Nicotiana tabacum] 0.6928284488426917 33 Pp1s97_279V6 heat shock protein 70 0.6794787979233115 30 Pp1s2_33V6 acetyl- cytosolic 1 0.6751803210362527 14 Pp1s18_52V6 hypothetical protein [Dictyostelium discoideum] 0.6655335478412127 13 Pp1s86_211V6 0.664370863459314 86 Pp1s37_276V6 annexin a4 0.6555440471102596 20 Pp1s334_52V6 T10C21.60; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6439235001691723 37 Pp1s9_127V6 Golgin subfamily A member 4 (Trans-Golgi p230) (256 kDa golgin) (Golgin-245) (Protein 72.1) [Homo sapiens] 0.638561381012531 34 Pp1s109_123V6 wrky11 - superfamily of tfs having wrky and zinc finger domains 0.6363425520347591 40 Pp1s37_284V6 0.6297466192237806 85 Pp1s44_137V6 T1B9.11; transcriptional activator, putative [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.62589421295381 52 Pp1s369_8V6 0.6248092685259558 66 Pp1s30_87V6 0.6230357885858023 56 Pp1s286_43V6 zinc ion binding 0.6213287239686272 99 Pp1s287_56V6 plasma membrane associated protein 0.6207459376927471 61 Pp1s285_15V6 endo- - -beta-d- 0.6129959085838769 67 Pp1s136_59V6 Chloroplast Toc125 0.5996731098339315 95