Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s28_272V6 LOC454085 [Pan troglodytes] 0.6510446529427982 1 Pp1s211_22V6 0.60970468651995 6 Pp1s5_56V6 ring finger protein 32 0.5883045666761039 20 Pp1s28_340V6 0.5744884322037851 57 Pp1s7_299V6 0.5577437280229964 84 Pp1s22_203V6 0.5499330088027845 13 Pp1s298_57V6 0.5465750444029427 12 Pp1s21_17V6 Myosin heavy chain, striated muscle [Argopecten irradians] 0.5422356243613459 66 Pp1s46_247V6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein lsm1 0.5254865670810211 37 Pp1s26_136V6 LOC489504; similar to myosin, heavy polypeptide 3, skeletal muscle, embryonic [Canis familiaris] 0.5187830198272521 60 Pp1s15_33V6 F23M19.3; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.5173671605839743 34 Pp1s345_39V6 0.5169349832907452 68 Pp1s161_119V6 zinc-binding protein 0.5131198929605914 51 Pp1s145_95V6 LOC475390; similar to hypothetical protein FLJ32000 [Canis familiaris] 0.5027516277874821 38 Pp1s47_200V6 0.5025072844456303 25 Pp1s1097_2V6 0.48972462178631226 85 Pp1s398_11V6 F10M6.40; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.4760913517602423 48 Pp1s68_55V6 0.46641321198718466 80 Pp1s187_67V6 membrane associated 0.46186757123706007 85 Pp1s3_205V6 0.4610840954625341 68 Pp1s17_365V6 0.4586529570459669 100 Pp1s304_51V6 FCAALL.130; zinc finger (C2H2 type) family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.44648480937715385 100