Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s109_92V6 0.8980963779017926 1 Pp1s25_107V6 0.8658420265180329 2 Pp1s287_31V6 peptidoglycan-binding 0.8152960347380909 13 Pp1s34_348V6 mucin-associated surface protein (MASP), putative [Trypanosoma cruzi] 0.8101685482406245 7 Pp1s77_19V6 0.786111826890432 5 Pp1s21_36V6 hypothetical protein [Dictyostelium discoideum] 0.7747170230330431 46 Pp1s227_58V6 0.7598413386378192 7 Pp1s235_56V6 0.7596873037269323 38 Pp1s118_232V6 0.7580245729042525 49 Pp1s7_391V6 electron transporter, putative [Ricinus communis] 0.7479156975612187 10 Pp1s517_11V6 Dmel_CG9682; CG9682 gene product from transcript CG9682-RA [Drosophila melanogaster] 0.7357583380554363 14 Pp1s55_66V6 0.7303504068239391 12 Pp1s244_44V6 gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase 0.7166795490320317 13 Pp1s6_256V6 glutamine type iii 0.7134313302854401 14 Pp1s60_2V6 transmembrane protein 0.7110888133023656 51 Pp1s147_26V6 T20L15.20; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7009775319386998 40 Pp1s139_36V6 peptidase s9 prolyl oligopeptidase active site domain protein 0.6996989081004995 57 Pp1s232_64V6 LOC500458; similar to Cylicin-2 (Cylicin II) (Multiple-band polypeptide II) [Rattus norvegicus] 0.6962074641886551 78 Pp1s66_199V6 0.6924159078983825 41 Pp1s4_282V6 unknown [Picea sitchensis] 0.6901119138387345 80 Pp1s45_25V6 hypothetical protein [Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group)] 0.6882062264186537 24 Pp1s55_64V6 0.6879888353627066 33 Pp1s34_16V6 T10F20.11; mother of FT and TF1 protein (MFT) [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6640213161886472 28 Pp1s21_401V6 0.650138327485729 38 Pp1s115_168V6 heat shock 0.6414092368791189 41 Pp1s15_397V6 dienelactone hydrolase family protein 0.6378715003621043 45 Pp1s55_123V6 0.6365328718427292 46 Pp1s2_329V6 F24M12.290; senescence/dehydration-associated protein-related [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6226630640087543 85 Pp1s89_56V6 3-dehydroquinate synthase 0.6215965007634704 57 Pp1s190_8V6 -didehydrogluconate reductase 0.6209990571629292 93 Pp1s181_57V6 0.6155617132131573 62 Pp1s2_423V6 F24J13.5; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6096088691103929 67 Pp1s22_267V6 contains ESTs AU056345(S20491),AU056346(S20491) [Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group)] 0.609584465996458 68 Pp1s72_122V6 0.604311298186459 72 Pp1s27_91V6 K6M13.19; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.5949506427183886 85 Pp1s77_279V6 0.589908523367744 94