Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s15_4V6 hypothetical protein [Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS] 0.887043609091552 6 Pp1s75_99V6 0.8800609878215888 7 Pp1s22_38V6 trigger factor 0.8715976075057609 3 Pp1s267_21V6 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 (LEA) (PMA2005) [Triticum aestivum] 0.8628747941865702 4 Pp1s13_231V6 0.8594132788715385 14 Pp1s52_212V6 WSI18 protein [Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group)] 0.8516763904315456 26 Pp1s152_65V6 ASR1; orf19.2344 [Candida albicans SC5314] 0.8408513320991998 8 Pp1s235_56V6 0.8382831668709791 8 Pp1s68_134V6 erd4 protein 0.836871683252946 9 Pp1s295_29V6 0.8313921888681397 24 Pp1s4_282V6 unknown [Picea sitchensis] 0.8296070556723438 11 Pp1s114_139V6 0.8225142725766551 32 Pp1s383_6V6 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 (LEA) [Zea mays] 0.8212241117064266 56 Pp1s517_11V6 Dmel_CG9682; CG9682 gene product from transcript CG9682-RA [Drosophila melanogaster] 0.8171126930458401 14 Pp1s112_185V6 Putative receptor protein kinase ZmPK1 precursor [Zea mays] 0.8150639483376229 15 Pp1s343_11V6 T5N23.160; pleckstrin homology (PH) domain-containing protein / lipid-binding START domain-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.8114003856744171 16 Pp1s2_779V6 rare cold inducible protein 0.8077313150091744 17 Pp1s90_132V6 transferring glycosyl 0.8048040983704347 21 Pp1s111_161V6 aldehyde dehydrogenase 0.8045389046903864 19 Pp1s3_465V6 catalase 0.8011301154382104 20 Pp1s75_55V6 F11C18.30; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.8004557383439307 21 Pp1s281_123V6 and mbr like protein 0.789461443368454 57 Pp1s46_326V6 cor-tmc-ap3 gene for stress-inducible and putative membrane pore protein COR-TMC-AP3 0.7852611294734714 59 Pp1s60_54V6 0.7829439736962297 41 Pp1s442_22V6 cor47 gene for stress-inducible dehydrin protein COR47 0.7828705606343307 25 Pp1s147_26V6 T20L15.20; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7808835390697587 26 Pp1s126_80V6 F25E4.180; bromo-adjacent homology (BAH) domain-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7776314230044978 55 Pp1s353_22V6 0.7769649627070289 28 Pp1s80_108V6 solute carrier familymember 44 0.7769392551930009 45 Pp1s105_84V6 protein phosphatase 0.7758821618720938 35 Pp1s142_145V6 T16L1.2; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7717540069788313 31 Pp1s4_56V6 phosphatidic acid 0.7710385376618549 33 Pp1s408_3V6 hexose transporter 0.7681286592696704 33 Pp1s357_33V6 T8B10.250; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7671927562240332 55 Pp1s77_50V6 0.7621138780600589 35 Pp1s232_64V6 LOC500458; similar to Cylicin-2 (Cylicin II) (Multiple-band polypeptide II) [Rattus norvegicus] 0.7614292968868865 36 Pp1s309_69V6 0.7611444535392111 37 Pp1s156_7V6 0.7594044385161396 75 Pp1s40_23V6 F18B3.110; stress-responsive protein, putative [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7590651968764893 39 Pp1s505_9V6 electron transporter, putative [Ricinus communis] 0.7525168462659444 40 Pp1s9_391V6 ntmc2type1.2 gene for putative protein NTMC2Type1.2 0.7517701268382564 95 Pp1s10_153V6 glutamate decarboxylase 0.7497649763983669 42 Pp1s424_22V6 amino acid selective channel protein 0.7482032495004886 90 Pp1s335_78V6 0.7478690289425767 47 Pp1s42_7V6 at5g52420 k24m7_17 0.7474007576930147 45 Pp1s32_209V6 Postn_predicted; periostin, osteoblast specific factor (predicted) [Rattus norvegicus] 0.7467423097990549 46 Pp1s69_87V6 Late embryogenesis abundant protein, group 3 (LEA) [Zea mays] 0.745769921536781 47 Pp1s266_18V6 0.742574629347508 48 Pp1s32_341V6 0.7415915114165952 62 Pp1s185_44V6 0.7415209205537698 50 Pp1s421_9V6 dehydrin 0.740484686070873 85 Pp1s370_29V6 0.7403568494984624 52 Pp1s2_226V6 F15D2.42; stress-responsive protein, putative [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7401643448386367 53 Pp1s18_306V6 Embryonic protein DC-8 [Daucus carota] 0.7399388764010618 60 Pp1s379_42V6 Late embryogenesis abundant protein Dc3 [Daucus carota] 0.7396554551009924 57 Pp1s114_175V6 T15D22.11; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7391436034449044 56 Pp1s34_349V6 mucin-associated surface protein (MASP), putative [Trypanosoma cruzi] 0.7359156080074766 60 Pp1s169_138V6 pyruvate dehydrogenase e1 component alpha subunit 0.7356129518738785 99 Pp1s444_20V6 kinesin, putative [Leishmania major] 0.7339795584713645 83 Pp1s98_62V6 0.7330261841821241 61 Pp1s16_339V6 secreted endo-beta- -galactanase 0.7327340605900272 70 Pp1s155_76V6 T20L15.20; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7291696022496909 63 Pp1s155_102V6 F20M13.250; 1-phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase-related [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7284295250839268 64 Pp1s102_88V6 hypothetical protein, conserved [Cyanidioschyzon merolae] 0.7259953984642105 65 Pp1s34_348V6 mucin-associated surface protein (MASP), putative [Trypanosoma cruzi] 0.725667613083056 66 Pp1s234_91V6 0.7240659622970909 78 Pp1s120_13V6 ap2 erf domain-containing transcription factor 0.7227025302104418 68 Pp1s93_164V6 protein phosphatase 0.7188640936152196 69 Pp1s371_45V6 elip2.4 gene for putative early light-induced protein ELIP2.4 0.7187216709223401 70 Pp1s109_92V6 0.7176342570914194 71 Pp1s213_103V6 transketolase 1 0.7149582751574398 72 Pp1s292_18V6 catalase 0.7132691780541428 74 Pp1s335_17V6 MRO11.7; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7132487981358738 75 Pp1s540_8V6 zgc:56136 [Danio rerio] 0.7125301440581713 76 Pp1s29_302V6 0.7099622321542939 77 Pp1s235_65V6 T22K7.60; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.7078214668369205 79 Pp1s76_150V6 saccharopine dehydrogenase 0.7076955851913341 80 Pp1s7_391V6 electron transporter, putative [Ricinus communis] 0.7075127548981335 81 Pp1s287_31V6 peptidoglycan-binding 0.7072560395661693 88 Pp1s311_75V6 abscisic insensitive 1b 0.7062453821204718 83 Pp1s141_147V6 proteophosphoglycan ppg1 [Leishmania major] 0.7045461827458326 84 Pp1s506_17V6 0.703347975033954 90 Pp1s6_369V6 short chain 0.702929565410792 86 Pp1s64_22V6 F17F16.12; hypothetical protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6999338888394367 88 Pp1s420_28V6 0.6963500985505986 91 Pp1s350_17V6 Maged2; melanoma antigen, family D, 2 [Rattus norvegicus] 0.6944895772093684 94 Pp1s37_306V6 Tub; tubby candidate gene [Mus musculus] 0.6933516035049107 95 Pp1s403_10V6 translocator protein 0.6926622690848316 96 Pp1s54_110V6 LOC398566; similar to PC2 (positive cofactor 2, multiprotein complex) glutamine/Q-rich-associated protein [Xenopus laevis] 0.6924238968030993 97 Pp1s86_10V6 plasma membrane associated protein 0.6894124054256323 98