Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s218_88V6 multi-sensor hybrid histidine kinase 0.6036283497310988 94 Pp1s477_4V6 at5g01350 t10o8_60 0.6017252834899112 2 Pp1s259_122V6 single bromodomain-containing protein 0.5980383078773936 91 Pp1s220_18V6 isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing 0.5950698307915496 6 Pp1s249_35V6 spermidine synthase 0.5861824593317448 9 Pp1s20_215V6 large low complexity coiled coil protien with large repeat region [Cryptosporidium parvum] 0.5816078879096376 85 Pp1s159_105V6 wrky11 - superfamily of tfs having wrky and zinc finger domains 0.5768095353734558 55 Pp1s157_62V6 protein binding zinc ion binding 0.5752415267372614 31 Pp1s206_124V6 cell division control protein 50 0.5705815297427634 10 Pp1s96_125V6 heat repeat containing 6 0.5619368807180238 78 Pp1s286_8V6 hypothetical protein, conserved [Leishmania major] 0.561417080758595 14 Pp1s117_122V6 0.5541307581805526 16 Pp1s139_27V6 transmembrane protein 50a 0.5399947552226844 77 Pp1s47_277V6 60s ribosomal protein l13-2 0.5389285715450586 22 Pp1s76_98V6 magnesium transporter 0.5358404557799982 87 Pp1s271_43V6 denticleless homolog 0.5348703413014484 52 Pp1s80_39V6 0.5340464078217302 25 Pp1s286_47V6 protein binding 0.5262065221710245 31 Pp1s299_18V6 extremely serine rich protein [Candida albicans SC5314] 0.5247034582428418 54 Pp1s2_279V6 0.5244017027591457 34 Pp1s21_413V6 anti-virus transcriptional factor 0.5143154643559101 66 Pp1s180_143V6 carbohydrate transporter sugar porter transporter 0.504923786048827 98 Pp1s125_34V6 protein mago nashi 0.5023555005831738 70 Pp1s268_14V6 chaperone protein 0.5022221698237975 61 Pp1s53_213V6 hypothetical protein, conserved [Cyanidioschyzon merolae] 0.4996995812408186 80 Pp1s391_12V6 0.49595005177568335 79 Pp1s223_118V6 F2N1.7; hypothetical protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.49591143817187705 74 Pp1s397_39V6 conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] 0.4931229728680313 74 Pp1s400_29V6 hypothetical protein [Oryza sativa (japonica cultivar-group)] 0.48707877278861517 77