Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Pp1s428_22V6 0.7531480879255625 61 Pp1s108_131V6 0.7303030818217674 59 Pp1s41_113V6 0.7111660643225535 82 Pp1s15_198V6 dolichyl pyrophosphate phosphatase 1 0.7076902594865152 70 Pp1s42_41V6 - glutaredoxin subgroup i 0.6975726151008608 78 Pp1s119_95V6 0.6911050518830234 69 Pp1s156_109V6 soul heme-binding protein 0.6856383636507023 49 Pp1s23_137V6 0.676556768391962 71 Pp1s112_158V6 pectinesterase ppe8b 0.6652153904491538 64 Pp1s351_5V6 0.6616188258692258 69 Pp1s347_19V6 LOC462634; similar to signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 3; CUB and EGF containing protein 3; CUB domain and EGF-like repeat containing 3; signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain containing protein 3 [Pan troglodytes] 0.6597528478776676 71 Pp1s152_175V6 F3P11.22; Ndr family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6578050123890705 100 Pp1s104_110V6 F27G19.60; CBS domain-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6494763015000127 100 Pp1s5_363V6 0.6424665808856518 83 Pp1s18_45V6 0.6417254671028086 84 Pp1s104_95V6 0.6404514219176409 86 Pp1s384_18V6 at1g16750 f19k19_26 0.6390991726994449 90 Pp1s206_65V6 MFL8.12; amine oxidase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.6383141684114604 91 Pp1s21_208V6 kinesin-13a atp binding microtubule motor 0.6359362749259104 92 Pp1s21_329V6 MUK11.15; expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] 0.625369604690042 100