Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sopen01g043170 Hsp70 protein 0.9999999999999993 1 Sopen04g018250 MAC/Perforin domain 0.971208140873747 2 Sopen09g030450 Domain of unknown function (DUF3511) 0.9547840056503785 3 Sopen04g012280 hypothetical protein 0.9212277995153845 4 Sopen01g013010 hypothetical protein 0.8722751548973486 6 Sopen01g016810 Retroviral aspartyl protease 0.8657639548350808 20 Sopen01g007080 Domain of unknown function (DUF4216) 0.8649573835186866 8 Sopen12g022560 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.8485891254339414 32 Sopen07g014860 gag-polypeptide of LTR copia-type 0.8456878532450812 60 Sopen08g024650 MYB-CC type transfactor, LHEQLE motif 0.8443075010240785 81 Sopen07g020060 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.8409556791990288 35 Sopen12g017580 hypothetical protein 0.8395982845125739 36 Sopen01g009010 Integrase core domain 0.8395970085478164 37 Sopen01g006950 hypothetical protein 0.8298462860001304 40 Sopen07g025990 hypothetical protein 0.8287704135863488 79 Sopen04g008330 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.8277844533669275 42 Sopen03g014990 No apical meristem (NAM) protein 0.8261688317485745 43 Sopen06g032570 Glycosyl hydrolases family 17 0.8261687854859564 44 Sopen00g008990 hypothetical protein 0.8261687345884063 45 Sopen01g024770 hypothetical protein 0.8261685715952202 46 Sopen05g021920 Retrotransposon gag protein 0.821518030070037 49 Sopen02g014120 Zinc-finger domain of monoamine-oxidase A repressor R1 0.8210999025459198 50 Sopen08g003250 Exostosin family 0.8150962060065422 62 Sopen03g026630 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.8143461676748979 52 Sopen02g013060 Fungal domain of unknown function (DUF1712) 0.8102151435612513 54 Sopen11g020690 Integrase core domain 0.8084667909882529 63 Sopen05g012410 hypothetical protein 0.807903569794835 56 Sopen11g007720 AP2 domain 0.8052420932606829 58 Sopen12g002230 Myb-like DNA-binding domain 0.8052417183765634 59 Sopen04g021440 Prenyltransferase and squalene oxidase repeat 0.8047125209804316 60 Sopen04g011700 Zinc knuckle 0.8034462747828889 64 Sopen11g001810 Aminotransferase class-V 0.8020254821628339 62 Sopen04g022690 hypothetical protein 0.8002390034682269 63 Sopen09g006930 OTU-like cysteine protease 0.7985501114348303 64 Sopen08g029310 hypothetical protein 0.79654684057745 87 Sopen03g013940 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.796331700962057 67 Sopen09g033120 Protein tyrosine kinase 0.7948749067999143 68 Sopen11g021790 Retrotransposon gag protein 0.7948666359527481 69 Sopen05g007590 hypothetical protein 0.7943884461630651 70 Sopen10g003260 TPR repeat 0.7943880060441081 71 Sopen05g023020 Reverse transcriptase-like 0.7943879434106415 72 Sopen10g027770 Peroxidase 0.7943877976190884 73 Sopen01g026460 hypothetical protein 0.7943877471614735 74 Sopen01g051010 Alpha/beta hydrolase family 0.7921983606735661 76 Sopen07g025990 hypothetical protein 0.7908036403529657 79 Sopen08g012470 Kinesin motor domain 0.7881042964366306 81 Sopen12g034600 Leucine Rich repeats (2 copies) 0.7874612091719079 82 Sopen08g029310 hypothetical protein 0.7843386936082903 87 Sopen01g014520 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.7763698228274102 98 Sopen10g036120 PAR1 protein 0.7741146168658847 100