Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sopen08g031080 ABC transporter 0.9546876668453584 3 Sopen08g001290 RCD1-SRO-TAF4 (RST) plant domain 0.9521994825099483 2 Sopen07g031240 hypothetical protein 0.9479318833733306 4 Sopen05g011050 CHASE domain 0.9400133291735756 6 Sopen05g003540 Protein of unknown function (DUF3675) 0.9382177148658539 52 Sopen11g015750 Protein kinase domain 0.9380623452325814 6 Sopen09g004920 Tetratricopeptide repeat 0.9299849515742422 21 Sopen08g030290 WD domain, G-beta repeat 0.9274553754016192 8 Sopen08g008610 LEM3 (ligand-effect modulator 3) family / CDC50 family 0.9246769573698079 81 Sopen05g032310 Glycosyl transferase family 41 0.9210216746054621 14 Sopen11g007480 RNA polymerase II-binding domain. 0.920560352699132 68 Sopen04g003160 Ring finger domain 0.9166452113071792 17 Sopen02g020960 Family of unknown function (DUF500) 0.9155202696529188 18 Sopen01g051570 Protein of unknown function (DUF677) 0.9135916122393797 25 Sopen04g034420 PPR repeat family 0.9114316837501844 73 Sopen04g018450 XRN 5'-3' exonuclease N-terminus 0.9113817254380657 96 Sopen01g049180 CorA-like Mg2+ transporter protein 0.9067445016471014 55 Sopen02g038490 Ankyrin repeats (3 copies) 0.902191762431065 71 Sopen05g004470 Poly(A) polymerase central domain 0.9011943591544068 86 Sopen02g028970 GAGA binding protein-like family 0.9008620579009601 36 Sopen04g020690 Mitochondrial carrier protein 0.8979378552124846 62 Sopen09g015250 Phosphoesterase family 0.8958230648500405 42 Sopen10g034430 hypothetical protein 0.8925583557728947 73 Sopen11g030650 FAE1/Type III polyketide synthase-like protein 0.8924094165648601 55 Sopen09g004180 Iron-sulphur cluster biosynthesis 0.888359703280507 67 Sopen06g024530 Protein of unknown function (DUF4050) 0.8856773322540973 73 Sopen12g030330 WD domain, G-beta repeat 0.8837625774973934 77