Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sopen03g025560 Protein of unknown function (DUF3133) 0.9675646377689268 29 Sopen10g030350 Cys/Met metabolism PLP-dependent enzyme 0.9673034027765257 2 Sopen10g030200 Glutaredoxin 0.9632789873342279 22 Sopen02g020970 Plant protein of unknown function (DUF822) 0.9607280272391607 70 Sopen03g031340 hypothetical protein 0.9594909180809055 6 Sopen06g027690 Protein tyrosine kinase 0.9563509749695508 7 Sopen09g029900 hypothetical protein 0.9545285271749837 21 Sopen05g006040 hypothetical protein 0.953079657554502 16 Sopen00g009400 Protein of unknown function (DUF1005) 0.9527391568627882 77 Sopen10g034490 SOUL heme-binding protein 0.9523099030783906 26 Sopen00g008360 Protein of unknown function, DUF538 0.9511191597129172 42 Sopen01g044250 Protein of unknown function, DUF538 0.9511191597129172 42 Sopen12g022090 FAD binding domain of DNA photolyase 0.9506988941204806 85 Sopen01g039700 Divergent PAP2 family 0.9492375746227455 87 Sopen10g034500 SOUL heme-binding protein 0.9484432228730652 29 Sopen04g031760 Syntaxin 6, N-terminal 0.9472756694481167 78 Sopen02g020380 hypothetical protein 0.946815042781364 97 Sopen03g032570 Galactoside-binding lectin 0.9464462389410819 87 Sopen05g001150 Protein kinase domain 0.9462461251901935 61 Sopen01g038530 Cytochrome P450 0.945720415215086 80 Sopen11g030550 hypothetical protein 0.9451728110572382 28 Sopen06g005740 hypothetical protein 0.9440932305547886 71 Sopen11g006850 hypothetical protein 0.9439518683688829 80 Sopen03g005090 BAG domain 0.9426045336772881 48 Sopen06g034800 Cytochrome b5-like Heme/Steroid binding domain 0.9421656965160216 42 Sopen08g029530 Cytochrome P450 0.9419195515434738 92 Sopen10g001600 Protein kinase domain 0.9418053085928596 44 Sopen06g015280 Leucine rich repeat 0.9404195740415162 58 Sopen01g005020 Alpha/beta hydrolase family 0.9396547026724777 50 Sopen11g004930 Protein kinase domain 0.9379858582989794 60 Sopen00g008480 hypothetical protein 0.9375395018544885 53 Sopen04g024230 short chain dehydrogenase 0.9375356519145984 54 Sopen12g003480 Pectinesterase 0.9365223223675926 80 Sopen06g029170 Ring finger domain 0.9356148989779532 59 Sopen10g035800 hypothetical protein 0.9353840068106714 72 Sopen06g008230 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.9333624351561749 67 Sopen12g031650 Membrane transport protein 0.9328310269900193 68 Sopen02g026740 hypothetical protein 0.9327302685487727 88 Sopen12g002030 hypothetical protein 0.9308583028565363 89 Sopen10g028910 Cytochrome P450 0.9302304390673726 80 Sopen06g030260 hypothetical protein 0.927733528885947 88 Sopen06g004120 Protein phosphatase 2C 0.9273752447649454 90 Sopen02g013670 Cytidylyltransferase 0.927153419221889 92 Sopen05g030910 Protein tyrosine kinase 0.9269871762534035 94 Sopen08g025220 SNARE associated Golgi protein 0.92672909587629 96 Sopen09g006540 Domain of unknown function (DUF3527) 0.9265188988623287 99