Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sopen10g021980 Retroviral aspartyl protease 0.9669704478185873 2 Sopen02g031050 hypothetical protein 0.9554663001077315 6 Sopen03g037780 Protein of unknown function (DUF1295) 0.9523080704974465 4 Sopen12g009790 hAT family C-terminal dimerisation region 0.9510355539805755 32 Sopen03g022530 Leucine rich repeat N-terminal domain 0.9480764198858666 7 Sopen02g020530 non-haem dioxygenase in morphine synthesis N-terminal 0.9476578952190451 9 Sopen05g034380 Domain of unknown function 0.9471160742788033 10 Sopen03g040620 E1-E2 ATPase 0.9360344558074185 26 Sopen08g024770 ESCRT-II complex subunit 0.9335339127342834 31 Sopen10g028160 Protein kinase domain 0.9321157753373006 39 Sopen06g033110 hypothetical protein 0.9259880219800468 61 Sopen09g007260 Clathrin light chain 0.9258743703256589 62