Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Solyc01g095800 F-box-like protein (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A072UUB0_MEDTR) 0.9370554608790738 2 Solyc10g005910 LOW QUALITY:GTPase Der (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A022QX40_ERYGU) 0.9264113009009578 7 Solyc01g007120 protein serine/threonine kinase (AHRD V3.3 *** AT3G51270.4) 0.9115122720515086 100 Solyc10g079160 Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase family protein (AHRD V3.3 *** AT2G39120.1) 0.9079264243607756 48 Solyc03g121000 RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (AHRD V3.3 --* A0A0B0MF48_GOSAR) 0.8886240815485945 10 Solyc12g008950 AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase family protein (AHRD V3.3 --* AT2G47240.4) 0.8809511553180064 17 Solyc10g083820 Pectinesterase (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A068V420_COFCA) 0.8741770835671661 78 Solyc10g009360 Dof zinc finger protein (AHRD V3.3 *** W9RTF5_9ROSA) 0.8739297654435254 48 Solyc08g075360 ABC transporter family protein (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A097P9S2_HEVBR) 0.8735808317035986 23 Solyc01g010220 LOW QUALITY:Retrovirus-related Pol polyprotein from transposon TNT 1-94 (AHRD V3.3 *-* A0A151RZV3_CAJCA) 0.870317821239295 39 Solyc12g011230 LOW QUALITY:FBD%2C F-box and Leucine Rich Repeat domains containing protein (AHRD V3.3 --* AT5G56560.2) 0.8650845217162685 35 Solyc12g098370 Myb family transcription factor APL (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A0B0NIP7_GOSAR) 0.8626321612486219 51 Solyc11g045030 cytoplasmic membrane protein 0.857796778547671 54 Solyc07g017730 Glucan endo-1,3-beta-glucosidase, putative (AHRD V3.3 *** B9RR12_RICCO) 0.8559237428874831 55 Solyc09g009910 ABC transporter family protein (AHRD V3.3 *** A0A097P9R7_HEVBR) 0.8543329419109398 59 Solyc04g050900 electron protein, putative (Protein of unknown function, DUF547) (AHRD V3.3 --* AT1G43020.5) 0.8541127626991557 62 Solyc03g095670 0.8466168888094878 75 Solyc02g086480 LOB domain-containing protein, putative (AHRD V3.3 *** B9S640_RICCO) 0.8438159728718826 83 Solyc02g091840 Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase (AHRD V3.3 *** F8WS84_SOLLC) 0.8366179989051095 99