Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Brara.J02281.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9905652686759461 1 Brara.J02280.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease 0.9825093706734055 2 Brara.C02782.1 Unknown function 0.9745252678919372 3 Brara.A00632.1 regulatory protein *(PGR6) of plastoquinone homeostasis & ABC1 atypical protein kinase 0.9742012792591189 4 Brara.C00575.1 abscisic acid perception modulator *(ABAR) & component *(CHLH) of magnesium-chelatase complex 0.9736186174356 5 Brara.B02567.1 basal Sigma-type transcription factor 0.9713304029220938 6 Brara.D02093.1 Unknown function 0.9661873513969355 9 Brara.D01931.1 effector receptor *(NLR) 0.9645869619175342 8 Brara.A02084.1 Unknown function 0.9579275665650244 22 Brara.I03920.1 catalytic component *(CRD1) of Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethylester cyclase complex 0.9531697559679051 19 Brara.A02372.1 glutamyl-tRNA reductase *(HEMA) & EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor 0.9520182714065201 11 Brara.F02981.1 Unknown function 0.9508395882410062 12 Brara.J02304.1 mechanosensitive ion channel *(MSL) 0.9474327104760873 13 Brara.G03491.1 Unknown function 0.9470808029883 15 Brara.E02474.1 plastidial transcript stability factor *(HCF107) 0.9453219955452623 15 Brara.J01316.1 regulatory protein *(PGRL2) of cyclic electron flow 0.9422447206275434 16 Brara.G01845.1 accessory component *(GUN4) of magnesium-chelatase complex 0.9413664136757246 32 Brara.A00992.1 Unknown function 0.9412783614563887 33 Brara.K01402.1 Unknown function 0.9404094882368182 19 Brara.G03173.1 geranylgeranyl reductase *(CHLP) 0.9386593439090822 21 Brara.E00913.1 regulatory protein *(BCM) of chlorophyll homeostasis 0.9385723006058009 28 Brara.H00805.1 calcium-permeable channel *(OSCA) 0.9332686615400134 33 Brara.B02126.1 geranylgeranyl reductase *(CHLP) 0.9324039912520725 28 Brara.D02392.1 manganese cation transporter *(Mn-CDF) & manganese cation transporter *(Mn-CDF) 0.9316698189789916 24 Brara.E03181.1 ABC1 atypical protein kinase 0.9275733455375424 64 Brara.K00208.1 glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase *(GAPDH) & EC_1.2 oxidoreductase acting on aldehyde or oxo group of donor 0.9275406871959115 38 Brara.G01716.1 catalytic component *(CRD1) of Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethylester cyclase complex 0.926953413994222 39 Brara.C04139.1 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase *(PCH) 0.9217410311291018 28 Brara.B02362.1 methylation reader *(ECT) 0.9209027927188063 70 Brara.F01193.1 solanesyl diphosphate synthase *(SPS1/2) & EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group 0.9172273455358034 52 Brara.K01240.1 HD-ZIP I/II-type transcription factor 0.9160132257174969 32 Brara.G03570.1 regulatory protein *(MASP) of microtubule dynamics 0.9153180035738742 98 Brara.F02444.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.9148666248797092 51 Brara.C02957.1 Unknown function 0.9141748383859819 92 Brara.F01586.1 substrate adaptor *(FBP7) of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.9110466426641128 50 Brara.E03096.1 LHC-related protein *(OHP1) 0.9107378282470084 37 Brara.I03237.1 lipid droplet-associated hydrolase *(LDAH) 0.9096016653548193 93 Brara.E01751.1 Unknown function 0.9073312927111672 72 Brara.B00968.1 Unknown function 0.9060194667452288 66 Brara.I02200.1 proton 0.9059516760148666 42 Brara.D01790.1 Unknown function 0.9039977268839055 80 Brara.J01053.1 receptor CrRLK1L chaperone *(LLG) 0.9027579052446765 45 Brara.D01045.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.9015009964656295 65 Brara.B01572.1 succinate dehydrogenase flavinylation factor *(SDHAF2) 0.8998211106820441 48 Brara.I04379.1 MAP3K-RAF protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8992724194595253 49 Brara.A00385.1 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 0.8984333210629705 81 Brara.F03760.1 GARP subgroup GLK transcription factor 0.8978750628138931 73 Brara.H00664.1 adenylate kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8971745377397334 54 Brara.I02533.1 Unknown function 0.8969709698105418 96 Brara.D02550.1 regulatory factor *(TZF) of mRNA stress granule formation 0.8956215832480331 56 Brara.E00142.1 regulatory component *(SPA) of COP1-SPA light signal transduction E3 ubiquitin ligase complex & component *(SPA) of substrate adaptor module of CUL4-based ubiquitin ligase complex 0.8932541440570431 59 Brara.J01287.1 hexose transporter *(VGT) 0.8859171136059063 64 Brara.K00190.1 cyt-b561 electron shuttle hemoprotein *(CYBASC) 0.8858872592178172 65 Brara.J02334.1 sulfate transporter *(SULTR) 0.8852243190661464 87 Brara.E01462.1 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(MET1) 0.8842539999656069 72 Brara.E03564.1 F-type thioredoxin *(Trx-F) 0.8830962577081434 70 Brara.F01972.1 regulatory protein lipocalin *(LCNP) of non-photochemical quenching 0.881183356843852 73 Brara.F01660.1 phospholipase-C *(nPLC)) 0.8800206676227388 76 Brara.A01955.1 Unknown function 0.8788669429126116 81 Brara.C02942.1 phosphometabolite transporter *(TPT/PPT/GPT/XPT) 0.8785864604014375 95 Brara.B00626.1 Unknown function 0.8766964405049347 97 Brara.G00661.1 phosphoinositide transfer protein *(SFH) 0.8733851336105467 86 Brara.J01003.1 Unknown function 0.8695104939987129 93 Brara.E02554.1 acyl-CoA desaturase *(ADS) & EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.8680999466478355 95 Brara.I04414.1 Unknown function 0.8680597804638454 96