Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU0Hr1G008060.1 Unknown function 0.8941857705845756 6 HORVU6Hr1G031430.2 transposon-derived factor HDP2 0.8888230427741717 50 HORVU5Hr1G068010.1 substrate(IPMS) adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.8802412745344136 8 HORVU5Hr1G062530.3 adrenodoxin of mitochondrial ISC system assembly phase 0.8583831937251808 7 HORVU4Hr1G004880.6 component *(AIPP1) of ASI1-AIPP1-EDM2 chromatin silencing regulator complex 0.836057705639044 95 HORVU5Hr1G093120.2 substrate adaptor *(NRL) of CUL3-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.7977015727867007 92