Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU5Hr1G022220.2 component *(NPG) of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase complex 0.9569668367646048 1 HORVU3Hr1G109340.1 component *(uS11m) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.9551873007577001 8 HORVU6Hr1G072640.1 pre-40S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(RRP7) 0.9508189347293519 8 HORVU1Hr1G025440.2 Unknown function 0.9434985401014772 9 HORVU7Hr1G071450.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(IMP4) 0.941484027746319 87 HORVU3Hr1G055730.3 CDPK protein kinase & calcium sensor and kinase *(CPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & calcium sensor *(CML) 0.9400850428155825 34 HORVU5Hr1G063770.2 component *(eIF3c) of eIF3 mRNA-to-PIC binding complex 0.9353854481686076 42 HORVU0Hr1G021960.1 tRNA dihydrouridine synthase 0.929635900602745 25 HORVU3Hr1G046180.1 Unknown function 0.9260561033471302 14 HORVU2Hr1G063840.2 subcluster I phosphatase 0.9254966509553801 64 HORVU5Hr1G094500.1 histone *(H2B) 0.9244877020593839 16 HORVU7Hr1G100120.13 histone *(H2A) 0.9241895686792203 49 HORVU4Hr1G025410.1 Unknown function 0.9223667531263858 93 HORVU2Hr1G045610.3 phospholipase-A2 *(pPLA2-I)) 0.9202952848243502 46 HORVU5Hr1G037660.1 amino acid transporter *(AAP) 0.9202643815775057 23 HORVU2Hr1G043860.1 histone *(H2A) 0.9187599595100775 40 HORVU3Hr1G023160.3 component *(TRM11) of TRM11-TRM112 tRNA guanosine-methyltransferase complex 0.916991988245051 52 HORVU7Hr1G037510.1 Unknown function 0.9154103094731826 62 HORVU6Hr1G091620.4 Unknown function 0.9122923481296765 31 HORVU1Hr1G028330.1 component *(KAE1) of tRNA N6-threonylcarbamoylation KEOPS/EKC complex 0.9088222662838005 63 HORVU5Hr1G071280.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(XERICO) 0.9083126786124947 37 HORVU2Hr1G074780.1 component *(CSN8) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9080719093411651 70 HORVU3Hr1G019130.5 Unknown function 0.9080081262248075 88 HORVU6Hr1G081000.3 allene oxidase cyclase *(AOC) 0.9075848955570459 43 HORVU2Hr1G104900.5 SSU processome assembly factor *(NOC4) 0.9055948671795686 46 HORVU3Hr1G013000.1 Unknown function 0.9055619553788273 47 HORVU7Hr1G082900.10 Unknown function 0.904751943579509 50 HORVU1Hr1G051290.1 hexose transporter *(VGT) 0.9041027418474307 55 HORVU1Hr1G056210.3 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.9035542722731593 59 HORVU3Hr1G077400.1 component *(mS78/mS79) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.9035291868004127 64 HORVU1Hr1G083800.3 oxygen-independent coproporphyrinogen III oxidase *(HEMN) 0.9032799130199194 61 HORVU0Hr1G000630.1 NAC-type transcription factor 0.9018114863667949 65 HORVU3Hr1G082700.1 component *(Pex7) of cargo-receptor system 0.8997684520998162 71 HORVU4Hr1G007550.1 LRR-III protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.898498483810035 77 HORVU2Hr1G025750.2 chromatin remodeling factor *(Rad5) 0.8965834306333779 83 HORVU5Hr1G111810.2 Unknown function 0.8958428820659218 91 HORVU2Hr1G105010.3 regulatory protein *(FLZ) of SnRK1 complex 0.8946019525143345 89