Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G059620.1 Unknown function 0.9643803380262246 6 HORVU2Hr1G064130.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP6) 0.9641453007537198 8 HORVU2Hr1G102140.2 transposon-derived factor HDP1 0.9639433030019904 10 HORVU4Hr1G061810.2 Unknown function 0.9624315417723044 4 HORVU7Hr1G066750.5 Unknown function 0.9560570160772945 51 HORVU7Hr1G034560.7 aminoalcohol phosphotransferase & aminoalcohol phosphotransferase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.955739151006015 31 HORVU1Hr1G068650.1 Unknown function 0.9549976767716079 24 HORVU3Hr1G072910.1 EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride 0.9543167853951423 18 HORVU7Hr1G101050.3 Unknown function 0.9520813298740618 65 HORVU4Hr1G020660.2 Unknown function 0.9518119875690602 31 HORVU2Hr1G052030.10 Unknown function 0.9517460646457627 11 HORVU6Hr1G066510.9 Unknown function 0.9513314442899184 12 HORVU7Hr1G003710.1 Unknown function 0.9500651528859421 13 HORVU2Hr1G058940.3 miRNA/siRNA methyltransferase *(HEN1) 0.9495956891726215 18 HORVU3Hr1G060290.1 metal cation transporter *(CorA) 0.9492845533732664 15 HORVU2Hr1G096640.1 Unknown function 0.9481239927883628 16 HORVU3Hr1G091910.5 Rab GTPase-activating protein 0.9472691498146871 40 HORVU1Hr1G042560.3 Unknown function 0.9468883622622714 27 HORVU4Hr1G055880.1 E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme 0.9465364978573921 37 HORVU1Hr1G014010.25 SSU processome assembly factor *(RRP5) 0.9461753526777767 98 HORVU7Hr1G100700.1 histone *(H3) 0.9457054877710759 22 HORVU5Hr1G036940.1 Unknown function 0.9446101136892108 46 HORVU4Hr1G060740.4 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9431406645215872 26 HORVU7Hr1G118230.2 Unknown function 0.9431323850006162 87 HORVU1Hr1G024670.1 primexine deposition factor *(NPU) 0.9429696943966056 52 HORVU3Hr1G023970.2 glutaredoxin maturation factor (GRXS15) of iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinery 0.942739825800841 71 HORVU1Hr1G051570.3 auxiliary component *(NAA25) of NatB N-terminal acetylase complex 0.9425514807724998 88 HORVU6Hr1G055840.9 regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex & regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex 0.9425314397165203 32 HORVU4Hr1G074720.3 substrate(PAL) adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase *(SAGL1) 0.9423137816764373 33 HORVU1Hr1G022420.1 component *(U1A) of U1 snRNP complex 0.9419136504520311 51 HORVU1Hr1G019650.6 Unknown function 0.9415471787525239 68 HORVU6Hr1G037680.1 Unknown function 0.9413657159037755 36 HORVU6Hr1G074220.1 Unknown function 0.941138463194309 57 HORVU2Hr1G021080.1 bZIP class-S/SE transcription factor 0.9408548490797045 62 HORVU5Hr1G023000.1 bZIP class-S/SE transcription factor 0.9408548490797045 62 HORVU4Hr1G023430.1 obtusifoliol 14-alpha demethylase & EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.9404670975433846 94 HORVU1Hr1G078370.2 glutamate-tRNA ligase 0.9396553281867819 43 HORVU1Hr1G075000.9 Unknown function 0.93961673529286 53 HORVU6Hr1G055520.3 beta-L-arabinopyranosidase *(APSE) 0.938747736968032 87 HORVU4Hr1G050710.6 Unknown function 0.9381916130179647 97 HORVU1Hr1G002740.1 regulatory protein *(RLD) of gravity sensing 0.9379607846395117 56 HORVU2Hr1G063840.2 subcluster I phosphatase 0.9378898175898619 49 HORVU2Hr1G058810.6 component *(SANT) of histone deacetylation complex 0.9378705327491704 50 HORVU5Hr1G115230.1 phospholipase-C *(nPLC)) 0.9369043793878227 54 HORVU7Hr1G042370.9 Unknown function 0.936886028293106 55 HORVU7Hr1G110930.4 assembly factor MMS19 of cytosolic CIA system transfer phase 0.936365664172392 57 HORVU5Hr1G022530.2 preprotein processing peptidase *(ICP55) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9361286598308173 80 HORVU2Hr1G045610.3 phospholipase-A2 *(pPLA2-I)) 0.9358394964645238 59 HORVU7Hr1G087810.4 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group 0.9355466899178551 60 HORVU5Hr1G053310.3 component *(TOP6B) of somatic DNA topoisomerase VI complex 0.9354524699019268 99 HORVU2Hr1G029240.1 Unknown function 0.9342628432107066 64 HORVU2Hr1G046680.19 tRNA wybutosine biosynthesis enzyme *(TYW2/TYW3) 0.9333766096194662 67 HORVU3Hr1G094450.2 class-I glucosidase I & EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9331228522431984 68 HORVU5Hr1G023530.3 regulatory protein *(CBP60) of systemic acquired resistance 0.9324704879387046 71 HORVU3Hr1G024210.9 subfamily ABCC transporter 0.932385756999574 90 HORVU3Hr1G050920.4 Unknown function 0.9320766255851052 73 HORVU2Hr1G013130.1 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase *(PUB32) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9318744650760772 88 HORVU2Hr1G024780.11 scaffold component *(MO25) of RAM signalling pathway 0.931754786744624 100 HORVU5Hr1G042080.13 metal chelator nicotianamine transporter *(TCR) & metal chelator transporter *(TCR) & nicotianamine efflux transporter *(ENA) 0.9312332700428203 80 HORVU7Hr1G068410.1 MAP3K-RAF protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9311340732611262 81 HORVU6Hr1G016970.1 Unknown function 0.9302556127165761 84 HORVU7Hr1G036000.9 Unknown function 0.9301782728863079 92 HORVU6Hr1G013720.4 rRNA biogenesis auxiliary factor *(APUM23) 0.9301730703992371 87 HORVU6Hr1G003470.2 EC_2.6 transferase transferring nitrogenous group & aspartate aminotransferase 0.9288388115471556 95 HORVU6Hr1G075800.2 Unknown function 0.9284983657284908 96 HORVU6Hr1G075780.3 Unknown function 0.9284983657284908 97 HORVU7Hr1G060930.1 Unknown function 0.928101434630332 99 HORVU1Hr1G038330.1 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase *(KAT1/2/5) & 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase *(KAT1/2/5) & EC_2.3 acyltransferase 0.9279424289631031 100