Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU3Hr1G063770.1 Unknown function 0.8782354712906022 1 HORVU5Hr1G083010.1 Unknown function 0.8141350186691956 3 HORVU3Hr1G020340.27 component *(SSRP) of FACT histone chaperone complex 0.7714749387170908 92 HORVU2Hr1G081670.4 Unknown function 0.7528084561194137 11 HORVU2Hr1G108490.8 Unknown function 0.7394565313167906 24 HORVU2Hr1G110940.2 Unknown function 0.7372688396548628 50 HORVU2Hr1G037090.10 Unknown function 0.7342313179436533 19 HORVU2Hr1G021190.2 Unknown function 0.7335743178856609 26 HORVU5Hr1G054380.1 Unknown function 0.7257888180259678 24 HORVU7Hr1G067710.10 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.7238316979895627 36 HORVU3Hr1G078110.7 modification writer component *(RING1) of modification writer protein components 0.718052742717641 28 HORVU6Hr1G000500.17 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.7095518622253473 97 HORVU6Hr1G080340.11 Unknown function 0.7092961671784584 73 HORVU3Hr1G013280.1 mTERF-type transcription factor 0.687397544343697 70 HORVU2Hr1G034550.2 Unknown function 0.6848419988052049 73 HORVU6Hr1G020790.9 component *(EFOP) of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase complex 0.6790458659469313 81 HORVU6Hr1G032260.1 de novo DNA methylase *(DRM) 0.6739265805183977 93