Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G074780.1 component *(CSN8) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9521923763763245 2 HORVU7Hr1G092560.2 regulatory protein *(THAL) of rRNA transcription control 0.9514842810662072 21 HORVU5Hr1G113740.5 MRM2-type rRNA methyltransferase 0.9485653542203145 20 HORVU7Hr1G058140.13 cation 0.9474057449157642 7 HORVU5Hr1G062030.9 EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9453005340358297 48 HORVU1Hr1G052620.1 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group & sterol C-24 methyltransferase 0.9452531342738613 10 HORVU3Hr1G019130.5 Unknown function 0.9441553384539623 14 HORVU1Hr1G019580.2 splicing factor *(CFM9) 0.9408211159126569 14 HORVU5Hr1G098600.2 component *(eIF3c) of eIF3 mRNA-to-PIC binding complex 0.9346544249267202 52 HORVU3Hr1G055730.3 CDPK protein kinase & calcium sensor and kinase *(CPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & calcium sensor *(CML) 0.9306922906772968 58 HORVU1Hr1G022810.1 protein disulfide isomerase *(PDI-S) & protein disulfide isomerase *(PDI-A) 0.9298924898706419 70 HORVU2Hr1G026200.10 ribosomal protein arginine N-methyltransferase *(PRMT3) 0.929267711192763 42 HORVU1Hr1G049280.1 class tau glutathione S-transferase 0.9252775748689601 49 HORVU0Hr1G005160.5 threonine aldolase & EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase 0.923450020659624 22 HORVU3Hr1G077400.1 component *(mS78/mS79) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.9228745606478601 24 HORVU7Hr1G037510.1 Unknown function 0.922040389042178 43 HORVU5Hr1G037660.1 amino acid transporter *(AAP) 0.9212832772193154 28 HORVU2Hr1G019810.1 Unknown function 0.9202556569539665 29 HORVU5Hr1G007050.2 UDP-L-rhamnose synthase *(RHM) 0.9201105252968164 68 HORVU1Hr1G092120.1 regulatory component *(Tom7) of outer mitochondrion membrane TOM translocation system 0.9186704705901287 34 HORVU3Hr1G075200.1 Unknown function 0.918502776680093 35 HORVU4Hr1G024530.1 B-G-class Rab-GDF protein 0.9184254535261909 36 HORVU3Hr1G020560.7 polynucleotide kinase involved in ITS2 rRNA removal *(GRC3) 0.918226471765095 72 HORVU4Hr1G052090.1 guanylate kinase 0.9181908685230382 38 HORVU5Hr1G019820.1 Unknown function 0.917431684501184 41 HORVU4Hr1G026030.5 Unknown function 0.9169749470969634 84 HORVU3Hr1G070850.1 cytosolic NADP-dependent malic enzyme & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9164281048659194 44 HORVU5Hr1G070240.1 Unknown function 0.9161481901424176 45 HORVU3Hr1G096830.4 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9156976781371381 56 HORVU6Hr1G077500.1 regulatory protein *(CYCD) of cell cycle 0.9143706677293528 47 HORVU2Hr1G031310.5 component *(JAZ) of jasmonic acid receptor complex & TIFY-type transcription factor 0.9143273403013004 71 HORVU2Hr1G032170.6 histone chaperone *(ANP32) 0.9110588493067519 54 HORVU1Hr1G075110.4 cytosolic pyrophosphatase 0.9099333247442417 59 HORVU4Hr1G067810.1 spindle assembly checkpoint protein *(BUB3) 0.9094030175050847 85 HORVU7Hr1G048570.2 Unknown function 0.9089974782314925 66 HORVU4Hr1G070310.1 Unknown function 0.9081573849487716 68 HORVU5Hr1G041720.5 Unknown function 0.9080199716408981 70 HORVU2Hr1G112600.2 EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond 0.9068941386188634 73 HORVU5Hr1G053700.10 component *(NRPA7) of RNA polymerase I complex 0.9057884600358765 76 HORVU2Hr1G043860.1 histone *(H2A) 0.9052983808475564 78 HORVU7Hr1G121010.1 RING-H2-class ATL-subclass E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9026440381825739 88 HORVU5Hr1G096370.1 UDP-D-glucose 6-dehydrogenase & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9011173643726783 94 HORVU4Hr1G088870.1 channel-forming component *(Tim23) of inner mitochondrion membrane TIM translocation system 0.9004835574419148 97 HORVU6Hr1G011120.1 Unknown function 0.9000886772321003 99 HORVU7Hr1G119590.1 light chain of clathrin triskelion 0.8999635449793062 100