Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU7Hr1G122650.3 signal peptidase *(SPP) 0.9593031065099138 31 HORVU3Hr1G005480.5 Unknown function 0.9577566823511308 2 HORVU4Hr1G007180.4 Unknown function 0.9531399199410009 10 HORVU1Hr1G093400.2 Unknown function 0.9524054374489992 15 HORVU4Hr1G070260.5 threonylcarbamoyl-AMP synthase 0.951612301319233 35 HORVU6Hr1G065300.3 HD-ZIP IV-type transcription factor 0.9499631466762627 16 HORVU5Hr1G012960.2 Unknown function 0.9494588765676202 30 HORVU4Hr1G055820.8 Unknown function 0.9481116202804066 24 HORVU1Hr1G045130.1 component *(bS18m) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.947839133325484 80 HORVU2Hr1G040800.4 organic cation transporter *(OCT) 0.9469657684266954 34 HORVU4Hr1G083060.1 Unknown function 0.9445740330892458 12 HORVU1Hr1G029950.1 mannan O-acetyltransferase *(MOAT) 0.9445364845415385 24 HORVU0Hr1G010790.3 component *(mS23) of small mitoribosomal-subunit proteome 0.9434845622762228 20 HORVU3Hr1G078670.2 Cystatin protease inhibitor 0.9430537776073126 81 HORVU7Hr1G074550.17 Unknown function 0.9428712976974519 15 HORVU2Hr1G079930.1 Unknown function 0.9404699824199357 32 HORVU5Hr1G046890.1 Unknown function 0.9396809466569863 18 HORVU2Hr1G127740.1 component *(OST1) of oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) complex 0.9389145397928645 81 HORVU6Hr1G035180.4 Unknown function 0.9387209914583827 47 HORVU1Hr1G079240.6 Unknown function 0.9384460746659444 88 HORVU6Hr1G051740.2 Unknown function 0.9382223597617008 58 HORVU3Hr1G094860.1 CAMTA-type transcription factor 0.9375099122802864 27 HORVU7Hr1G022410.1 Unknown function 0.9374648487888969 25 HORVU1Hr1G005790.2 Unknown function 0.9369322505851888 78 HORVU5Hr1G088030.1 component *(ARP4) shared with NuA4/SWR1 complexes & component *(ARP4) of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex 0.9365620673365659 28 HORVU5Hr1G069620.26 deubiquitinase *(UBP15-21) 0.9354820099761625 29 HORVU3Hr1G038420.1 BSD-type transcription factor 0.9334393673573019 30 HORVU1Hr1G071150.2 FCP subclass-E phosphatase 0.9330359929581302 31 HORVU2Hr1G053700.13 A1-class (Pepsin) protease 0.9329872471214 32 HORVU3Hr1G058440.2 Unknown function 0.9325555317631828 79 HORVU2Hr1G015340.3 DLSV protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.931588353072802 54 HORVU2Hr1G062850.3 Unknown function 0.9314192301149279 37 HORVU7Hr1G072420.1 component *(Sm-E) of U1/U2/U4/U5-associated Sm accessory ribonucleoprotein complex 0.930351812124205 65 HORVU6Hr1G038740.5 component *(Clp1) of Cleavage Factor II (CF-IIm) complex 0.930010001046982 95 HORVU3Hr1G089760.1 Unknown function 0.9298837187969783 60 HORVU2Hr1G038330.2 Unknown function 0.9296907202110968 40 HORVU7Hr1G092460.1 protein de-S-acylation enzyme *(ABAPT) 0.9294235322417537 42 HORVU6Hr1G084960.1 M17-class leucyl aminopeptidase *(LAP) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9275639015958498 67 HORVU7Hr1G106420.1 Unknown function 0.9262526772745989 46 HORVU3Hr1G093930.2 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(STUBL1/3) 0.9258490578718224 61 HORVU1Hr1G038410.7 Unknown function 0.9256315687213011 48 HORVU1Hr1G067370.3 Unknown function 0.924732313037004 86 HORVU3Hr1G037630.2 PLP-independent amino acid racemase 0.9244931354311702 55 HORVU4Hr1G084760.3 E2 SUMO ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(SCE1) 0.9244288346712136 95 HORVU3Hr1G047860.1 Unknown function 0.9237985986379154 80 HORVU3Hr1G016350.3 auxiliary VPS23-interacting component *(CFS1) of ESCRT-I complex 0.923748490060556 55 HORVU5Hr1G098740.1 component *(uS14) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome 0.9236024699816476 79 HORVU2Hr1G086460.1 Unknown function 0.9235825472524438 58 HORVU7Hr1G048900.8 substrate adaptor of CUL4-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.923436542991625 59 HORVU0Hr1G003480.1 Unknown function 0.9229056300103098 98 HORVU2Hr1G031830.5 Unknown function 0.9227224950849985 62 HORVU0Hr1G013040.2 tRNA adenine-N6-methyltransferase 0.9221964452829727 82 HORVU5Hr1G095340.1 chromatin architectural modulator *(HMGA) 0.9220877279255527 65 HORVU2Hr1G062320.8 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group 0.92152575739912 84 HORVU2Hr1G068550.9 Unknown function 0.921238091266899 67 HORVU7Hr1G001560.1 component *(MPC2) of MPC pyruvate carrier complex & component *(MPC2) of mitochondrial pyruvate transporter 0.9205154894031305 71 HORVU7Hr1G077900.1 Unknown function 0.9203258396830383 96 HORVU5Hr1G067280.2 Unknown function 0.9203157485685196 75 HORVU5Hr1G096520.1 ethanolamine phosphate transferase *(PGAP5) 0.9202959961825353 76 HORVU3Hr1G015060.4 snRNA import adaptor *(Snurportin) 0.92022708173395 77 HORVU3Hr1G086020.2 Unknown function 0.919795675046281 81 HORVU7Hr1G118720.1 Unknown function 0.9196888500356527 82 HORVU7Hr1G027220.3 alpha-type-3 component *(PAC) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9196355721457954 83 HORVU6Hr1G032200.3 component *(NF-YC) of NF-Y transcription factor complex 0.9189370966833602 87 HORVU6Hr1G029050.1 RUB ubiquitin-fold protein & UBQ ubiquitin-fold protein 0.9184268430659148 88 HORVU2Hr1G113830.11 Unknown function 0.9181354859346883 89 HORVU2Hr1G093570.2 ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase *(UCH3) & ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase *(UCH3) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9174089094109882 95 HORVU1Hr1G024640.2 actin-binding protein *(NET4) 0.9169765771981229 97 HORVU7Hr1G031610.1 Unknown function 0.9167001498536547 98 HORVU4Hr1G010830.2 solute transporter *(MTCC) 0.9166618636181728 99