Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G009710.5 Unknown function 0.9800471531641382 1 HORVU4Hr1G012340.1 component *(DROL1) of U5 snRNP complex 0.9784907374486458 2 HORVU2Hr1G094980.10 RING-H2-class CTL-subclass E3 ubiquitin ligase & E3 ubiquitin ligase *(EOD1) 0.9760792407393346 4 HORVU5Hr1G125650.13 component *(LUG/LUH) of transcriptional co-repressor complex 0.9686036504944623 9 HORVU4Hr1G076910.6 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase & beta-1,4-mannosyl-transferase *(ALG1) 0.9662963063180388 89 HORVU6Hr1G019480.2 Unknown function 0.9658864699974572 29 HORVU6Hr1G082160.2 Unknown function 0.9632440643912646 79 HORVU2Hr1G101360.7 Unknown function 0.9623631551158206 53 HORVU7Hr1G028460.1 transcription factor 0.9619441031148848 52 HORVU2Hr1G086980.7 Unknown function 0.960202571324023 14 HORVU6Hr1G079810.1 MAP3K-MEKK protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9600170417461267 15 HORVU3Hr1G112760.2 Unknown function 0.9597272607901094 59 HORVU5Hr1G075730.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(STUBL1/3) 0.9588778319497405 94 HORVU7Hr1G010600.19 component *(RPP21) of RNA-dependent RNase P complex 0.9538035079453501 79 HORVU4Hr1G005360.1 Unknown function 0.953567016794443 29 HORVU2Hr1G049330.2 Unknown function 0.9507534598422298 51 HORVU1Hr1G016630.3 RNA polymerase nuclear import factor *(RIMA) 0.9507450940188943 37 HORVU0Hr1G000080.1 Unknown function 0.950166057172582 42 HORVU5Hr1G106110.8 Unknown function 0.9483683219021067 52 HORVU6Hr1G016170.1 co-chaperone *(Hsp40) 0.9468127950412478 79 HORVU6Hr1G076190.1 EC_3.5 hydrolase acting on carbon-nitrogen bond, other than peptide bond & oxoprolinase 0.9466799975884551 60 HORVU4Hr1G007020.2 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(PPRT) 0.9464228836151002 61 HORVU3Hr1G087220.4 Unknown function 0.9461697654688882 94 HORVU1Hr1G031860.3 component *(SPT20/ADA5) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex 0.9461349194187914 64 HORVU3Hr1G059700.1 deubiquitinase *(AMSH) 0.9446124201073351 74 HORVU4Hr1G066470.1 Unknown function 0.9445011557043232 77 HORVU5Hr1G073310.1 Unknown function 0.9407389744298343 98