Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G075790.8 Unknown function 0.9617080038237701 13 HORVU4Hr1G040770.2 alpha-type-5 component *(PAE) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9611293958242891 7 HORVU3Hr1G038010.1 calcium sensor *(CML) & calcium sensor *(CaM) 0.9594311657583844 17 HORVU6Hr1G083150.1 regulatory component *(RPT1) of 26S proteasome 0.9583926096252532 4 HORVU4Hr1G017540.4 beta-type-7 component *(PBG) of 26S proteasome 0.9580938139495022 6 HORVU7Hr1G018660.1 beta-type-1 component *(PBA) of 26S proteasome 0.9535774509409791 6 HORVU5Hr1G120800.4 transcriptional co-regulator *(Pirin) 0.953460299191373 14 HORVU5Hr1G028340.1 WRKY-type transcription factor 0.9497081263874267 12 HORVU3Hr1G048090.1 D-class RAB GTPase 0.9491634387710077 13 HORVU3Hr1G078680.1 Cystatin protease inhibitor 0.949024920924324 11 HORVU6Hr1G034490.1 LysM protein kinase & LysM receptor kinase *(NFR1/LYK3) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9471696971480529 11 HORVU7Hr1G082220.1 component *(SRP19) of SRP (signal recognition particle) complex 0.9466778026009166 13 HORVU3Hr1G083260.1 Unknown function 0.9428837312617171 14 HORVU2Hr1G029620.1 component *(SPT4) of SPT4/5 transcription elongation factor complex 0.942823748694017 31 HORVU4Hr1G011280.3 Unknown function 0.9413636774570509 65 HORVU3Hr1G071740.1 A-class RAB GTPase 0.9412204788139751 17 HORVU5Hr1G074230.27 Unknown function 0.939300907353946 20 HORVU5Hr1G089780.1 Unknown function 0.9378579180992224 36 HORVU2Hr1G014770.1 regulatory component *(RPT2) of 26S proteasome 0.9377991452477681 22 HORVU4Hr1G084280.1 Unknown function 0.936832052664253 42 HORVU2Hr1G025780.1 component *(BET3) of TRAPP-I/II/III complex-shared components 0.9366509249995766 59 HORVU7Hr1G054550.1 component *(p24-beta) of GPI-anchor protein cargo receptor complex 0.9355971927826607 53 HORVU2Hr1G069950.6 CAMTA-type transcription factor 0.9351324990984357 99 HORVU1Hr1G045360.3 Unknown function 0.9336645986423893 49 HORVU6Hr1G084960.1 M17-class leucyl aminopeptidase *(LAP) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9325494667186838 52 HORVU2Hr1G096410.1 Unknown function 0.9324236796962684 83 HORVU5Hr1G111530.1 RING-H2-class BTL-subclass E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9315600087091946 35 HORVU2Hr1G005150.5 EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor & non-peroxisomal hydroxypyruvate reductase *(HPR) 0.9303066763801489 38 HORVU1Hr1G020530.3 Unknown function 0.9301660457047907 73 HORVU1Hr1G092710.1 CDPK protein kinase & calcium sensor and kinase *(CPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & calcium sensor *(CML) 0.9289201168527521 41 HORVU2Hr1G000270.5 Unknown function 0.9282460855675503 42 HORVU4Hr1G025090.1 subunit beta of co-translational insertion system Sec61 subcomplex 0.9282172491937963 43 HORVU4Hr1G023670.12 Unknown function 0.9277660333260348 64 HORVU3Hr1G066800.6 CKL protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9267650209487892 48 HORVU1Hr1G073970.1 Unknown function 0.9261071727248644 50 HORVU5Hr1G113030.4 Unknown function 0.9260993324348703 58 HORVU1Hr1G028780.1 Extensin protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9258976836556829 66 HORVU3Hr1G053620.4 Unknown function 0.9257634518979172 68 HORVU3Hr1G037790.1 regulatory component *(RPN11) of 26S proteasome 0.9256287081361882 96 HORVU0Hr1G023140.1 cationic amino acid transporter *(CAT) 0.9255852804370118 57 HORVU6Hr1G028820.3 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & bifunctional hydroxymethylpyrimidine kinase and thiamine-phosphate diphosphorylase *(Th1) 0.9254636873145334 58 HORVU5Hr1G067010.2 HD-ZIP I/II-type transcription factor 0.9253484891254884 59 HORVU0Hr1G000410.3 metal cation transporter *(ZIP13) 0.9231008305448698 62 HORVU3Hr1G083200.26 UDP-glucose 0.9223359642953608 65 HORVU4Hr1G061130.3 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9201352573489437 69 HORVU6Hr1G051210.1 Rieske iron-sulphur component of cytochrome c reductase complex & EC_1.10 oxidoreductase acting on diphenol or related substance as donor 0.9195589966511525 71 HORVU3Hr1G083560.1 urate oxidase *(UOX) & EC_1.7 oxidoreductase acting on other nitrogenous compound as donor 0.9195389936980413 72 HORVU1Hr1G057650.1 Unknown function 0.9194485512120323 74 HORVU3Hr1G078940.1 beta-Tubulin component *(TUB) of alpha-beta-Tubulin heterodimer 0.9190009862716887 78 HORVU2Hr1G116910.1 diacylglycerol kinase 0.9189873198835169 79 HORVU7Hr1G027220.3 alpha-type-3 component *(PAC) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9187494085753114 80 HORVU1Hr1G086270.1 xylosyltransferase *(IRX9) & EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.9185946800628207 81 HORVU2Hr1G085830.2 autophagosome E2 ATG12-ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(ATG10) 0.9179662922762158 83 HORVU3Hr1G033370.3 Unknown function 0.9177641845139776 96 HORVU5Hr1G023800.7 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9176354746801917 85 HORVU7Hr1G076300.2 component *(SDH6) of succinate dehydrogenase complex 0.9161178501641689 90