Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU3Hr1G003400.1 subgroup ERF-VI transcription factor & transcription factor *(CRF) 0.8824246188522245 32 HORVU1Hr1G056920.1 LRR-III protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.857667114100589 50 HORVU2Hr1G085870.1 lumazine synthase *(RibE) 0.854367028965259 90 HORVU3Hr1G038290.1 Unknown function 0.8541076433267959 7 HORVU1Hr1G061830.8 protein involved in PS-II assembly *(Psb32) 0.8484347665685312 8 HORVU3Hr1G089820.1 protease *(RBL) 0.8434777927630884 11 HORVU1Hr1G068660.3 calcium sensor and kinase *(CCaMK) & component *(CCaMK) of CCaMK-IPD3 kinase complex & calcium sensor *(CML) 0.8426972833335906 12 HORVU7Hr1G044900.2 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase *(KCR) & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.8336185710649772 17 HORVU7Hr1G056280.1 Unknown function 0.8163407226560818 45 HORVU7Hr1G093680.5 alpha-class expansin 0.8163030316126657 96 HORVU7Hr1G055880.3 Unknown function 0.8136006169331897 55 HORVU2Hr1G086840.1 component *(TRS120/VAN4) of TRAPP-II complex-specific components 0.8103068257805669 32 HORVU2Hr1G037700.8 Unknown function 0.804849973473785 56 HORVU7Hr1G107980.3 Unknown function 0.7882761339077989 75 HORVU3Hr1G064120.3 protein de-S-acylation enzyme *(ABAPT) 0.7836591688275825 83