Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G030680.4 bifunctional dihydropterin diphosphokinase and dihydropteroate synthase 0.952839382165999 2 HORVU2Hr1G066280.8 SD-2 protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9446473388439585 5 HORVU5Hr1G052180.1 Unknown function 0.9445321797929378 3 HORVU4Hr1G059090.11 mRNA-binding adaptor ALY/Tho4 of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex 0.9409569095205021 64 HORVU7Hr1G095890.1 Unknown function 0.9396632662572862 44 HORVU3Hr1G040710.1 RNA editing factor *(POCO) 0.9367321890579158 81 HORVU5Hr1G095140.4 Unknown function 0.9361559010513619 64 HORVU3Hr1G003450.1 Unknown function 0.9352738837326829 23 HORVU3Hr1G018630.3 chlorophyllase *(CLH) & EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond 0.9338826844196793 46 HORVU5Hr1G077020.1 Unknown function 0.9338800675628717 82 HORVU3Hr1G065500.1 Unknown function 0.9307217662236791 11 HORVU3Hr1G072140.4 Unknown function 0.928237396638103 89 HORVU4Hr1G011850.1 E2 component of 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex & EC_2.3 acyltransferase 0.9271747093345546 13 HORVU3Hr1G050990.2 subunit d of V-type ATPase membrane V0 subcomplex 0.9258750249662562 37 HORVU2Hr1G031910.3 Unknown function 0.9239391322940053 17 HORVU2Hr1G125630.5 demethylase *(ALKBH9) 0.9219264966608435 21 HORVU3Hr1G037450.1 Unknown function 0.9204388357003168 93 HORVU5Hr1G096210.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.9190829780622272 85 HORVU4Hr1G053940.2 regulatory protein *(CP12) of GAPDH activity 0.9188601638236077 67 HORVU7Hr1G005270.1 mannan synthase *(CSLD) 0.9185024173291055 82 HORVU5Hr1G052820.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9180358727156734 64 HORVU5Hr1G017360.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.916073790502537 59 HORVU0Hr1G009140.8 Unknown function 0.9155305952561715 90 HORVU4Hr1G075320.4 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase *(TAC13) 0.9145817277995626 29 HORVU4Hr1G009190.3 Unknown function 0.9136998599142024 32 HORVU1Hr1G048280.2 pectin methylesterase 0.9105863090416216 34 HORVU4Hr1G067840.6 nucleotide sugar transporter *(GONST1/2/3/4) 0.9100377841646972 36 HORVU5Hr1G110900.3 CDPK protein kinase & calcium sensor and kinase *(CPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & calcium sensor *(CML) 0.9098031625286117 50 HORVU1Hr1G002470.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9096061694752479 67 HORVU2Hr1G036280.1 GRAS-type transcription factor 0.9085369518744731 88 HORVU1Hr1G008250.12 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase *(HEXO) & EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9079183128131969 41 HORVU1Hr1G013210.1 Unknown function 0.9071668994345872 44 HORVU5Hr1G008180.2 Unknown function 0.9056581274481718 47 HORVU7Hr1G050740.1 Unknown function 0.9048677151586347 50 HORVU3Hr1G071220.1 Unknown function 0.9026710054130188 56 HORVU6Hr1G062830.2 ceramide kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9024581783749613 61 HORVU3Hr1G082700.1 component *(Pex7) of cargo-receptor system 0.9023770820765126 61 HORVU2Hr1G102880.1 Unknown function 0.8959221118271378 70 HORVU7Hr1G042490.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease & aspartyl protease (APCB) of BAG6-dependent plant immunity 0.8943708254198693 73 HORVU6Hr1G072310.1 Unknown function 0.8942568480893724 75 HORVU7Hr1G067460.1 Unknown function 0.8902673914650966 81 HORVU3Hr1G086360.2 regulatory factor SOS5 of SOS *(Salt Overly Sensitive) signalling pathway & Fasciclin-type arabinogalactan protein 0.8899290080498619 82 HORVU6Hr1G081400.1 Unknown function 0.8898267910055299 83 HORVU0Hr1G022290.1 L-lectin protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8865829078394886 93 HORVU6Hr1G051070.5 mTERF-type transcription factor 0.8862522780833895 94 HORVU4Hr1G018260.2 scaffold protein NFU of plastidial SUF system transfer phase 0.8860973026431 95 HORVU2Hr1G081790.4 amino acid transporter *(AAP) 0.8857225362165925 96 HORVU5Hr1G037990.1 LRR-Xc protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8848406215446799 98