Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU3Hr1G044640.3 component *(DET1) of CDDD substrate adaptor module of CUL4-based ubiquitin ligase 0.9937455576492137 2 HORVU3Hr1G000540.2 component *(SNL) of histone deacetylase machineries 0.9904762519734092 2 HORVU4Hr1G060270.6 component *(SRm160) of RNA quality control Exon Junction complex 0.9881642300345123 5 HORVU7Hr1G111430.5 deubiquitinase *(UBP15-21) 0.98754797672626 4 HORVU1Hr1G037460.15 Unknown function 0.9873350364569261 5 HORVU1Hr1G007580.4 E3 UFM ubiquitin ligase 0.986727596211282 6 HORVU6Hr1G018770.3 Unknown function 0.9862680465303907 7 HORVU3Hr1G110150.3 CDKC protein kinase & catalytic component *(CDKC) of cyclin-dependent kinase complex & catalytic component *(CDKC-1/CTK1) of polymerase-II kinase complex & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9840979058891953 13 HORVU3Hr1G099950.5 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(HUB) 0.9835229941605658 9 HORVU2Hr1G000940.11 histone H3K36 methyltransferase *(SDG8) & class-II histone methyltransferase *(ASH) & EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.9834266490305934 10 HORVU3Hr1G054070.22 autophagosome E1 ATG8/12 ubiquitin-activating enzyme *(ATG7) 0.9822103160510797 11 HORVU4Hr1G020680.1 Unknown function 0.9821457476268646 12 HORVU5Hr1G089010.6 component *(MED8) of head module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex 0.981761145576387 13 HORVU3Hr1G071540.4 Unknown function 0.9815919092669615 22 HORVU0Hr1G039270.8 component *(MED5/MED24/MED33) of tail module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex 0.9805221878903364 15 HORVU3Hr1G062970.1 regulatory component *(VPS30/ATG6) of PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II 0.9803413032305991 16 HORVU5Hr1G050820.6 transcription factor *(FCA/SSF) 0.9801963974224881 41 HORVU6Hr1G092820.1 pri-miRNA-DCL1 association factor *(DAWDLE) of miRNA biogenesis pathway 0.9797811073373597 18 HORVU7Hr1G113500.1 RUB ubiquitin-fold protein 0.9795539913678758 38 HORVU2Hr1G059170.16 Golgin-type membrane tethering protein *(GRIP) 0.9792560749432823 20 HORVU7Hr1G047420.12 component *(TOUGH) of DCL1-HYL1 miRNA biogenesis complex 0.9787504175995025 52 HORVU4Hr1G078050.8 substrate adaptor *(ASG2) 0.9785429110088082 22 HORVU2Hr1G085060.2 RBR-Ariadne-class E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9784357900329869 23 HORVU0Hr1G022300.4 regulatory component *(ALIS) of ALA-ALIS flippase complex & regulatory component *(ALIS) of phospholipid flippase complex 0.9778401833179751 84 HORVU1Hr1G094460.1 Unknown function 0.977799034521376 25 HORVU2Hr1G035630.1 HRT-type transcription factor 0.9770185380830168 29 HORVU5Hr1G106470.4 modification writer component *(BMI1) of modification writer protein components 0.9758190964945265 67 HORVU4Hr1G088850.4 chaperone of protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase *(CPP1) 0.9757646091228594 51 HORVU3Hr1G080820.2 Unknown function 0.9755819203438164 92 HORVU7Hr1G078750.7 Unknown function 0.9751596372500764 30 HORVU4Hr1G004590.4 bifunctional inositol pyrophosphate kinase and phosphatase *(VIP) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9750947514253534 31 HORVU5Hr1G002110.6 chromatin architectural modulator *(PNET) 0.9749174582616604 45 HORVU1Hr1G092270.7 Unknown function 0.9747422418404688 53 HORVU3Hr1G050010.11 component *(SCD1)of post-Golgi trafficking SCD complex 0.9747274735377953 34 HORVU5Hr1G111680.4 E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9747184050872644 35 HORVU2Hr1G063340.8 regulatory protein *(SRFR) of TNL-mediated effector-triggered immunity 0.9744801849658012 93 HORVU1Hr1G001750.6 component *(RNPS1) of RNA quality control Exon Junction complex 0.9744523732326446 37 HORVU7Hr1G048110.2 regulatory component *(FIP37) of adenosine N6-methyltransferase complex 0.9743414878871006 50 HORVU3Hr1G113130.1 component *(ADA3) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex 0.9741630724678161 74 HORVU3Hr1G116880.20 component *(MON1/SAND) of MON1-CCZ1 RAB7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor complex 0.9736641042660601 41 HORVU4Hr1G042140.2 Unknown function 0.9731772409746963 91 HORVU5Hr1G080010.4 component *(CDC5/MAC1) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex 0.9730896124982623 43 HORVU5Hr1G012110.20 Unknown function 0.9729306882870542 62 HORVU1Hr1G093720.5 Unknown function 0.9725433186064797 72 HORVU6Hr1G046910.6 solute transporter *(NIPA) 0.9723701814049149 49 HORVU3Hr1G082780.3 Unknown function 0.9722831535674022 50 HORVU1Hr1G044590.7 cohesin cofactor *(WAPL) 0.9722245226869572 51 HORVU4Hr1G049150.1 regulatory GTPase (NUG2) of LSU processome 0.9721959855667085 75 HORVU7Hr1G088370.13 poly(A) RNA polymerase 0.9721566215190689 53 HORVU0Hr1G015770.10 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT23/24) 0.9720369328815529 54 HORVU6Hr1G019280.2 O-fucosyltransferase *(SPY) 0.9718571994853658 59 HORVU1Hr1G075270.8 RNA polymerase-V auxiliary factor *(KTF1/SPT5L) 0.9718144079648645 57 HORVU7Hr1G019540.7 carboxypeptidase *(SOL) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.97179559450426 58 HORVU5Hr1G052890.2 EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group & spermine synthase 0.9715420363749048 92 HORVU3Hr1G075850.2 alpha-1,2 exomannosidase *(MNL) & EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9712952944242699 61 HORVU3Hr1G010030.10 regulatory protein *(MAF1) of RNA polymerase III 0.971253735007517 90 HORVU1Hr1G086390.2 Golgin-type membrane tethering protein *(GC5/TMF) 0.9711712001577207 63 HORVU4Hr1G079900.1 component *(MTB) of adenosine N6-methyltransferase complex & EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.970758249152449 66 HORVU3Hr1G047160.17 MLK-PP2C protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9706713324375504 67 HORVU6Hr1G083790.3 cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel *(CNGC) 0.9706423360438393 68 HORVU5Hr1G056620.2 NAD kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9704353666913477 89 HORVU2Hr1G121080.24 SD-1 protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9703939881037414 79 HORVU2Hr1G049330.2 Unknown function 0.9703743483194402 72 HORVU6Hr1G062340.1 component *(TAF4) of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex 0.9702329153989067 73 HORVU6Hr1G054600.5 CDKG protein kinase & catalytic component *(CDKG) of cyclin-dependent kinase complex & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9701131953706758 74 HORVU5Hr1G125650.13 component *(LUG/LUH) of transcriptional co-repressor complex 0.9700075964083384 75 HORVU3Hr1G022250.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(SIS3) 0.9699216988272857 76 HORVU3Hr1G022220.2 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(SIS3) 0.9699216988272857 77 HORVU5Hr1G007920.9 phosphatase *(PPKL) & brassinosteroid signalling protein phosphatase *(BSU/BSL) & regulatory protein phosphatase *(BSL) & EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond 0.969748424046751 78 HORVU3Hr1G082380.1 anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) 0.9690792217467641 89 HORVU5Hr1G081120.4 component *(MED10) of middle module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex 0.9689188851421354 98 HORVU3Hr1G091150.3 solute transporter *(NIPA) 0.9688662583271762 87 HORVU5Hr1G047100.5 component *(HYL1) of DCL1-HYL1 miRNA biogenesis complex 0.9687617123988894 88 HORVU1Hr1G088600.19 Unknown function 0.9686139461143068 89 HORVU2Hr1G001360.1 tRNA dihydrouridine synthase 0.9686065516149867 91 HORVU3Hr1G104220.2 component *(APH1) of gamma secretase complex 0.9678358582575584 97 HORVU7Hr1G100830.4 Unknown function 0.9678026776445089 98 HORVU2Hr1G019410.4 RNA splicing factor *(SR30/34) 0.9676806637054197 99 HORVU7Hr1G039640.20 gravity signalling protein factor *(ARG1) 0.9675336509939768 100