Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU2Hr1G063480.1 Unknown function 0.9301804920683763 2 HORVU5Hr1G065370.1 SnRK3 SNF1-related protein kinase & CBL-dependent protein kinase *(CIPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9215146309399168 29 HORVU2Hr1G100450.3 potassium/sodium cation transporter *(HKT) 0.903350582648556 29 HORVU7Hr1G073650.1 substrate adaptor *(NRL) of CUL3-based E3 ubiquitin ligase complex 0.8890142507704281 66 HORVU3Hr1G022640.2 Unknown function 0.8849657659366676 16 HORVU4Hr1G088080.4 Unknown function 0.8833595604112763 91 HORVU0Hr1G019700.2 Unknown function 0.8812399075441114 91 HORVU3Hr1G009510.1 Unknown function 0.8795904654387013 24 HORVU3Hr1G080500.2 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.869973972211884 66 HORVU5Hr1G097710.6 plastidic signal peptidase *(PLSP/TPP) 0.8666469203600294 94 HORVU3Hr1G084620.5 gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter *(GAT) & GABA transporter *(GAT) 0.8628668273102462 81 HORVU3Hr1G004850.2 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase 0.8623394424085769 50 HORVU3Hr1G062700.1 Unknown function 0.854447521029282 96 HORVU3Hr1G057540.3 Unknown function 0.8531745962962007 73 HORVU1Hr1G090430.2 CTP synthetase *(CTPS) & EC_6.3 ligase forming carbon-nitrogen bond 0.8519568943550114 72 HORVU6Hr1G069910.1 Unknown function 0.8479326834748826 54 HORVU5Hr1G022760.2 iron-regulated metal cation transporter *(FPN) & iron cation transporter *(MAR1) 0.84775674829998 56 HORVU6Hr1G081850.3 protease *(SBT1) 0.8455920612115244 92 HORVU7Hr1G119800.2 Unknown function 0.8405989939263618 74 HORVU5Hr1G068260.1 Unknown function 0.8343967976858251 88 HORVU4Hr1G029910.1 Unknown function 0.8321685552748296 91