Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr HORVU3Hr1G082700.1 component *(Pex7) of cargo-receptor system 0.941911029697609 3 HORVU1Hr1G062270.1 Kinesin-14-type motor protein 0.9391309461314403 24 HORVU3Hr1G110140.7 Unknown function 0.9345641666559817 16 HORVU1Hr1G027400.2 Unknown function 0.9334512589778251 4 HORVU7Hr1G121440.2 Unknown function 0.9290685284697295 55 HORVU1Hr1G058440.4 histone *(H2B) 0.9279745971855234 6 HORVU3Hr1G076060.1 Unknown function 0.9211460212628428 58 HORVU7Hr1G100800.2 histone demethylase *(JMJD6) 0.9206955442174684 42 HORVU2Hr1G074780.1 component *(CSN8) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9187312445969019 43 HORVU2Hr1G030680.4 bifunctional dihydropterin diphosphokinase and dihydropteroate synthase 0.9186958751796855 23 HORVU7Hr1G093020.1 type-2 peroxiredoxin *(PrxII) 0.916743570898932 22 HORVU5Hr1G114020.4 hexose transporter *(VGT) 0.9115503482982824 17 HORVU3Hr1G038060.10 Unknown function 0.9092791903317398 19 HORVU4Hr1G067780.6 transcription factor *(YABBY) 0.9071161932843288 23 HORVU2Hr1G048280.2 SBP-type transcription factor 0.9061089757678731 64 HORVU7Hr1G072710.9 component *(RRP42) of exosome EXO9 core complex 0.9057987276477817 100 HORVU5Hr1G080160.23 2-keto acid transporter *(BAT) 0.9049783028708666 46 HORVU5Hr1G052180.1 Unknown function 0.9041877794468003 27 HORVU7Hr1G091760.2 malate dehydrogenase component of AAA-ATPase motor complex 0.9036407625994651 70 HORVU2Hr1G044060.1 Unknown function 0.8991805828003092 36 HORVU0Hr1G005420.4 alternative oxidase *(AOx) 0.8975091617107611 41 HORVU4Hr1G023110.1 transcription factor *(CRF) & subgroup ERF-VI transcription factor 0.8975018392566214 73 HORVU3Hr1G086360.2 regulatory factor SOS5 of SOS *(Salt Overly Sensitive) signalling pathway & Fasciclin-type arabinogalactan protein 0.8974224711880507 50 HORVU4Hr1G060540.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) 0.8968183480851926 61 HORVU7Hr1G040170.4 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.8962534566522191 45 HORVU2Hr1G081790.4 amino acid transporter *(AAP) 0.8938264081926164 51 HORVU4Hr1G067140.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8930643873724772 68 HORVU4Hr1G075320.4 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase *(TAC13) 0.8928815436666124 77 HORVU1Hr1G008250.12 beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase *(HEXO) & EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8919109856678432 68 HORVU3Hr1G105290.1 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8919015044615296 57 HORVU3Hr1G097050.5 EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.8917123834175728 93 HORVU2Hr1G120470.3 uracil repair DNA glycosylase *(UNG) 0.8875924272427027 64 HORVU7Hr1G042490.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease & aspartyl protease (APCB) of BAG6-dependent plant immunity 0.8874005271884661 66 HORVU1Hr1G013210.1 Unknown function 0.886902959012858 69 HORVU6Hr1G069710.4 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8835129752269913 85 HORVU6Hr1G092150.5 Unknown function 0.8833043988212932 86 HORVU3Hr1G050310.1 Unknown function 0.8832640633888691 87 HORVU0Hr1G022520.12 Unknown function 0.8805789993763988 93 HORVU1Hr1G078400.1 Unknown function 0.8799712506385627 95