Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.006G236500.1 Unknown function 0.967869796008484 3 Sobic.001G436900.1 component *(ATG9) of autophagosome ATG9-2-18 membrane shuttling complex 0.9612211734401507 40 Sobic.003G007500.3 CKL protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9572563553243213 17 Sobic.008G126200.1 regulatory protein *(CBP60) of systemic acquired resistance 0.9572489190501017 21 Sobic.010G245100.1 L-lectin protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9560402172786612 100 Sobic.002G313300.1 transcriptional co-activator *(BET/GTE) 0.954084890959937 84 Sobic.006G110400.1 Unknown function 0.952828003846468 93 Sobic.001G389900.1 small basic intrinsic protein *(SIP) 0.9528138392717621 30 Sobic.004G246100.2 component *(NCT) of gamma secretase complex 0.9516438625766088 94 Sobic.007G043500.2 DNA topoisomerase *(TOP1) 0.9509635716813013 74 Sobic.006G076601.1 Unknown function 0.9508146752866312 11 Sobic.009G152100.1 bZIP class-A transcription factor 0.9499506855090357 14 Sobic.004G188300.2 C2H2-type subclass STOP transcription factor 0.9495121514339576 52 Sobic.007G191100.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT1-9) 0.9495067799521656 21 Sobic.005G034700.1 component *(DDP) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complex & PHD finger transcription factor 0.948605883300099 17 Sobic.003G120700.2 Unknown function 0.9485004056102583 61 Sobic.001G270400.4 monoacylglycerol lipase 0.94776043108421 78 Sobic.006G220900.1 autophagosome ubiquitin-fold protein *(ATG8) 0.9477214360058069 26 Sobic.008G065800.1 Unknown function 0.9469303433845598 88 Sobic.004G320700.1 component *(NOT2) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.9468824820574598 32 Sobic.001G039600.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9465012866408867 52 Sobic.002G049200.1 Unknown function 0.9456686600894071 94 Sobic.004G347100.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT15/16) 0.9445576785639038 84 Sobic.004G127400.1 CKL protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9427957066801901 58 Sobic.001G229850.1 Unknown function 0.9423849866621972 55 Sobic.006G048300.2 Unknown function 0.9415280009926346 38 Sobic.001G424500.1 GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase *(VTC1) & GDP-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase *(VTC1) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9411528233648788 56 Sobic.003G150100.1 Unknown function 0.9410823042573854 42 Sobic.006G035300.1 membrane trafficking factor *(GFS9) 0.9385121318618246 55 Sobic.009G092400.1 Unknown function 0.9377806565821496 61 Sobic.006G105400.1 Unknown function 0.9373142562141774 64 Sobic.003G426800.1 Unknown function 0.9357859569485878 76 Sobic.005G196900.3 transcriptional co-regulator *(Oberon) 0.9353987262786592 92 Sobic.001G001900.1 component *(LUG/LUH) of transcriptional co-repressor complex 0.9347618496132827 95 Sobic.004G021100.1 PEX3-recruiting component *(PEX16) 0.9347553541360714 100 Sobic.003G159600.1 clathrin uncoating protein *(AUL) 0.9342478142024048 84 Sobic.006G278200.1 component *(AIPP1) of ASI1-AIPP1-EDM2 chromatin silencing regulator complex 0.9333968025435241 87 Sobic.005G007700.1 component *(ABRAXAS) of BRCC deubiquination complex 0.932980916825195 88 Sobic.006G267600.5 GTPase component *(HBS1/SPL33/SKI7) of DOM34-HBS1 aberrant mRNA detection complex & associated EXO9 interaction GTPase *(SKI7) 0.9316779758564204 98