Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.002G180800.1 aminopeptidase *(APM1) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.898059541278569 1 Sobic.009G142500.1 component *(PISTILLATA) of AP3-PISTILLATA organ-identity heterodimer & MADS/AGL-type transcription factor 0.8879033587380677 24 Sobic.005G041300.2 cationic amino acid transporter *(CAT) 0.8845650849632013 3 Sobic.003G421100.1 EC_1.5 oxidoreductase acting on CH-NH group of donor & cytokinin dehydrogenase *(CKX) 0.8725041920183001 20 Sobic.005G030500.1 A-type ARR response regulator of cytokinin signalling 0.8700831576434611 5 Sobic.002G371000.1 methylation reader Alfin of PRC1 complex 0.8694714999698406 25 Sobic.010G111900.1 Unknown function 0.8631340323789888 69 Sobic.003G021800.2 bZIP class-E transcription factor 0.8559405385154283 92 Sobic.004G170200.1 serine decarboxylase 0.8450214512961542 16 Sobic.005G155200.1 pythosulfokine precursor polypeptide *(PSK) 0.8396897752022486 47 Sobic.002G125000.1 plasma membrane intrinsic protein *(PIP) 0.838461210846773 71 Sobic.002G417300.1 SnRK3 SNF1-related protein kinase & CBL-dependent protein kinase *(CIPK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8354209462074086 73 Sobic.009G249100.1 Unknown function 0.8348505805009386 87 Sobic.001G243000.1 HSF-type transcription factor 0.8263993898287769 18 Sobic.006G273700.1 component *(Uev1) of Ubc13-Uev1 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme complex 0.8261719848002391 46 Sobic.009G248600.1 anion channel *(SLAC) 0.8259720421389999 62 Sobic.009G015900.1 histone *(H2A) 0.8230945463664219 35 Sobic.010G083200.2 Unknown function 0.8216421442575619 22 Sobic.003G288800.1 DNA phosphatase *(ZDP) 0.8205583618389959 35 Sobic.002G329200.1 Unknown function 0.8199046666284019 51 Sobic.001G460000.1 Unknown function 0.8147249117409157 78 Sobic.003G050000.1 Unknown function 0.8123555096799602 81 Sobic.005G190800.2 gamma-tocopherol methyltransferase *(VTE4/TMT) & EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.8106243628241663 31 Sobic.005G030700.1 Unknown function 0.7997721135965931 98 Sobic.003G103300.1 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductase *(DXR) & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.7958852187018215 37 Sobic.010G275800.1 EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase & callose synthase 0.7881595781455715 44 Sobic.009G187400.1 class-C-VI small heat-shock-responsive protein 0.78575671312768 73 Sobic.010G212100.1 GDP-L-fucose synthase & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.7819880454888127 92 Sobic.009G174100.1 LRR-VII protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.7811230745433179 63 Sobic.009G223100.1 IP-type-cytokinin synthase *(IPT) & EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group 0.7777542574265457 60 Sobic.006G227300.1 Unknown function 0.7766549418092487 100 Sobic.006G193400.2 Unknown function 0.7736081444125741 60 Sobic.002G204200.1 RUB ubiquitin-fold protein 0.7725219480403953 62 Sobic.008G006200.2 Unknown function 0.7709394599861338 97 Sobic.007G190200.1 Unknown function 0.769286584117204 67 Sobic.010G013500.2 component *(GRF) of GRF-GIF transcriptional complex 0.7678667727577266 68 Sobic.009G072200.1 MYB-RELATED transcription factor *(MYB-R-R) 0.76488144882807 73 Sobic.007G050100.1 regulatory protein *(LSD/LOL) of programmed cell death 0.7501326284623863 98