Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.002G068300.1 R-type component *(VAMP721/VAMP722) of SNARE cell-plate vesicle fusion complex & R-type VAMP7-group component of SNARE longin membrane fusion complex 0.9716140178321269 8 Sobic.002G275900.1 Unknown function 0.9697812908426642 6 Sobic.002G299000.1 IRE bifunctional protein kinase and mRNA endoribonuclease & bifunctional protein kinase and ribonuclease *(IRE1) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9691574123911154 17 Sobic.001G117200.2 MAST protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.967983779439159 29 Sobic.001G424800.1 Unknown function 0.9661679866853087 13 Sobic.001G017200.1 accessory component *(Sec62) of co-translational insertion system 0.9653926549254223 7 Sobic.010G067500.1 serine carboxypeptidase & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9631291652805649 21 Sobic.009G068500.1 Unknown function 0.9630879295818331 33 Sobic.003G394500.1 component *(PIG-S) of GPI transamidase complex 0.9630847034372315 36 Sobic.003G280300.1 MAP-kinase protein kinase *(NQK/ANQ) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group & MAPK-kinase protein kinase 0.9630450935908066 52 Sobic.003G185200.1 Unknown function 0.9630159866236636 11 Sobic.004G127700.1 1,2-alpha-fucosidase *(AXY8) 0.9625140769284471 37 Sobic.001G067300.3 histidinol dehydrogenase & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9623644229808777 53 Sobic.006G129700.1 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor 0.9620381710913297 34 Sobic.002G301100.1 Unknown function 0.9612455128681492 67 Sobic.008G097900.1 DLSV protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9611974486799405 48 Sobic.003G116700.1 epoxide hydrolase *(EH) 0.9607563754011601 97 Sobic.004G347400.1 Unknown function 0.9605952306435523 56 Sobic.002G429800.1 xylan O-acetyltransferase *(XOAT) 0.9605413650881197 41 Sobic.004G188600.1 deubiquitinase *(UBP3-4) 0.9605323856330211 20 Sobic.002G158700.1 component *(TAF6) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex 0.9604698928332921 52 Sobic.002G123200.1 component *(NRP-ABCDE12) of RNA polymerase complexes 0.9603998127758647 22 Sobic.002G270500.1 cargo receptor protein *(PUX7/8/9/13) 0.9603913783851309 82 Sobic.010G239700.2 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9601052814145484 24 Sobic.002G177000.1 Unknown function 0.9598543614620716 48 Sobic.004G339100.1 diphthamide synthetase *(DPH6) 0.9593266128053125 58 Sobic.009G177500.2 component *(NOT2) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.9593057683189977 27 Sobic.003G316850.1 regulatory protein *(SCAMP) of exocytic trafficking 0.9587957684206716 28 Sobic.006G183000.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(RIE1) 0.9587336637577928 29 Sobic.005G149500.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT23/24) 0.9587322960926972 30 Sobic.004G156200.1 catalytic component *(POL2/POLE1) of DNA polymerase epsilon complex 0.9586027976366662 31 Sobic.007G172400.1 component *(Pex1) of Pex1-Pex6 subcomplex 0.9586019948646421 60 Sobic.006G143500.1 Unknown function 0.9582951892098414 33 Sobic.004G085300.1 Unknown function 0.9582735883071509 34 Sobic.009G093200.1 manganese superoxide dismutase *(MSD) 0.9582175737107931 89 Sobic.001G180900.1 regulatory protein *(SCAMP) of exocytic trafficking 0.9580343746591907 36 Sobic.002G299700.1 Golgin-type membrane tethering protein *(GRIP) 0.9579892772586707 37 Sobic.001G123000.3 LRR-II protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9576786280458127 53 Sobic.007G041400.1 Unknown function 0.9575585135117263 40 Sobic.006G059000.1 xylosyltransferase *(IRX10) 0.9572963558327714 76 Sobic.003G005900.1 regulatory protein *(KOBITO) of cellulose-hemicellulose network assembly 0.9569946975623722 42 Sobic.006G222100.1 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor 0.9569569254307089 43 Sobic.006G114500.1 GPI lipid remodeling hydrolase *(PGAP3) 0.9567798019744553 45 Sobic.007G161200.1 Unknown function 0.9565172434299132 81 Sobic.001G508100.1 Unknown function 0.9564032606012313 79 Sobic.010G205800.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT23/24) 0.9563633142619178 48 Sobic.003G244700.1 pyruvate kinase & plastidial pyruvate kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9559200196582217 66 Sobic.010G101800.1 clathrin coated vesicle dynamin *(DRP2) 0.9559142301609355 51 Sobic.004G236200.1 component *(SEC6) of Exocyst complex 0.9556049797232116 52 Sobic.010G278600.1 regulatory protein *(NERD1) of exocytic trafficking 0.9552344297585051 54 Sobic.004G077300.1 ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor *(BIG) 0.9551604730551694 58 Sobic.009G007700.1 Unknown function 0.954634030617701 85 Sobic.001G417500.4 Unknown function 0.9540257894966649 71 Sobic.003G308300.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) & S28-class carboxypeptidase 0.9536236286998022 59 Sobic.008G001500.1 component *(SR-beta) of SRP (signal recognition particle) receptor complex 0.9534715457093309 60 Sobic.003G063000.1 nucleocytoplasmic transport cargo adaptor protein *(IMP-alpha) 0.953411276998883 61 Sobic.006G120800.3 Unknown function 0.9528382041599615 63 Sobic.001G332700.1 Unknown function 0.952797432877668 64 Sobic.010G250600.1 Unknown function 0.9525732247902907 65 Sobic.005G058800.1 alkaline sucrose-specific invertase *(CIN) 0.9525373442421662 67 Sobic.001G358800.1 clade C phosphatase 0.9521509025679157 68 Sobic.001G057800.1 Unknown function 0.9520341594801585 84 Sobic.006G196200.1 Unknown function 0.952017827106711 75 Sobic.009G164500.1 subunit zeta of cargo adaptor F-subcomplex 0.951940504072178 72 Sobic.001G426600.1 component *(TASH3) of TPLATE AP-2 co-adaptor complex 0.9513513247621321 90 Sobic.003G436500.1 UFM ubiquitin-fold protein 0.9511337876327381 76 Sobic.001G044900.1 tRNA guanine-methyltransferase *(TRM1) & EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.9508144516476609 78 Sobic.001G413900.1 P2A-type calcium cation-transporting ATPase *(ECA) 0.9507891034184376 79 Sobic.009G180000.1 calcium sensor *(CML) & calcium sensor *(CaM) 0.9505797648637819 82 Sobic.004G224900.1 alpha-type-2 component *(PAB) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9503710189928001 90 Sobic.004G222600.1 regulatory E3 ubiquitin ligase *(LUNAPARK) 0.9502179003778085 85 Sobic.001G534600.2 Unknown function 0.9496778005735678 90 Sobic.001G335900.1 component *(VPS52/POK) of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes 0.9493489025903994 91 Sobic.004G207700.1 Unknown function 0.9489931205245392 92 Sobic.004G081800.1 ubiquitin-proteasome shuttle factor *(DDI1) 0.9488264520621712 94 Sobic.007G203900.1 component *(MBD2) of histone deacetylation complex & methylation reader *(MBD1-4/12) 0.9483890553383238 96 Sobic.003G112600.1 thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase *(ERO) 0.9483165122238303 97 Sobic.003G401000.1 large subunit epsilon of AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex 0.9481741761596504 98 Sobic.004G061900.1 inner nuclear envelope component *(Cter-SUN) of SUN-WIP cytoskeleton-nucleoskeleton-linker complex 0.9476431680022553 99 Sobic.001G437200.1 plant-specific stabilizing component *(ClpT) of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex 0.9473777486531997 100