Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.010G230600.2 chaperone *(BiP) 0.9361562024453486 4 Sobic.003G029500.1 Unknown function 0.9280597745559367 4 Sobic.006G046700.1 component *(VPS11) of HOPS/CORVET membrane tethering complexes 0.9106329744614706 16 Sobic.007G054400.1 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.9009555577310443 12 Sobic.003G195500.1 ER tubulae formation factor *(RHD3/RL) 0.894631311679009 87 Sobic.001G079100.1 Unknown function 0.8921779737852608 57 Sobic.004G134500.1 chromatin-silencing modulator (ALP2) of PRC2 histone methylation complex 0.8916549586017304 69 Sobic.002G395801.1 Unknown function 0.8890516569551862 83 Sobic.003G433100.1 Unknown function 0.888588020165328 49 Sobic.004G163800.1 alkaline sucrose-specific invertase *(CIN) 0.8845292508479711 56