Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.002G301200.1 serine carboxypeptidase & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9909343900917501 3 Sobic.001G455800.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & methionine-tRNA ligase 0.9894885828277937 2 Sobic.002G192200.1 component *(PCID2/Thp1) of TREX-2 mRNP trafficking complex 0.987895946565527 3 Sobic.001G196700.1 S28-class carboxypeptidase & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9875882275067406 6 Sobic.001G373800.1 component CBP80 of CBP80-CBP20 mRNA Cap-Binding complex 0.9850248889128917 5 Sobic.006G049600.1 Unknown function 0.9846972006691119 6 Sobic.007G054800.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & valine-tRNA ligase 0.9843501361810124 7 Sobic.004G025800.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9840319848187221 8 Sobic.004G085000.1 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP205) 0.983463628396871 9 Sobic.001G015400.1 translation elongation factor *(EF-G) 0.9831892564304013 10 Sobic.008G156300.1 pyridoxal kinase *(SNO1/SOS4) & pyridoxal kinase *(SOS4/SNO1) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9824010062375997 11 Sobic.001G408600.1 RNA pseudouridine synthase *(PUS5) 0.9820006124642938 12 Sobic.007G071900.1 Unknown function 0.9816772449898422 13 Sobic.006G059500.1 scaffold factor *(COILIN) of Cajal body formation 0.9813555629516576 15 Sobic.004G282100.1 zinc metalloprotease *(STE24) & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9812618307846422 15 Sobic.001G145400.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & threonine-tRNA ligase 0.9809564490164258 16 Sobic.004G315500.1 component *(RFC5) of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex 0.9807100052561121 17 Sobic.001G041200.1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP22) & EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase 0.9801081620142668 18 Sobic.001G120500.1 component *(Toc64-III) of outer envelope TOC translocation system 0.9800680629011506 19 Sobic.003G092800.1 subfamily ABCG transporter 0.9798980532770661 20 Sobic.005G199200.1 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP107) 0.9797855939677258 21 Sobic.007G193900.1 Unknown function 0.9796569034769639 22 Sobic.001G522000.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) 0.9791091139089034 25 Sobic.006G272200.1 component *(CPFS5/CFIm25) of Cleavage Factor I (CF-Im) complex 0.9782940052321221 24 Sobic.010G053600.3 protein factor *(PRPF8/SUS2) of MAC spliceosome-associated complex 0.9781198956109276 25 Sobic.003G310900.1 deubiquitinase *(UBP12-13) & deubiquitinase *(UBP12-13) 0.9780870732807719 26 Sobic.009G096100.1 Unknown function 0.9778590597072307 27 Sobic.002G079100.2 methylated DNA binding component *(SUVH1/3) of SUVH-DNAJ methylation reader complex & EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group 0.9777128973090863 28 Sobic.001G035200.1 small subunit *(AXR1/AXL) of E1 RUB ubiquitin-activating enzyme complex 0.977618913747888 29 Sobic.003G046300.1 deubiquitinase component *(GID6/UBP14) of GID ubiquitination complex 0.9774822693675645 30 Sobic.003G042400.1 RNA helicase component *(HEN2) of Nuclear Exosome Targeting (NEXT) activation complex 0.9773311737045147 31 Sobic.007G068100.1 aconitase *(ACO) & aconitase & EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.9767726183277999 32 Sobic.001G413800.1 component *(DSP3) of DSP snRNA processing complex & regulatory protein *(SIEL) of plasmodesmata intercellular trafficking 0.9765210616986719 33 Sobic.004G352600.1 Unknown function 0.9764923791559039 34 Sobic.008G037800.1 Unknown function 0.9763774790062942 35 Sobic.001G042200.1 regulatory GTPase (MIRO) of mitochondrion fission 0.9761788870189442 36 Sobic.008G051200.1 co-chaperone (GFA2) involved in gametogenesis & co-chaperone *(Hsp40) 0.9760770172666267 37 Sobic.004G038100.1 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP160) 0.9757232198240671 38 Sobic.001G373000.1 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP93) 0.9756785947209349 39 Sobic.003G074200.1 component *(ARP5) of INO80 chromatin remodeling complex 0.9752714660785854 40 Sobic.006G029100.1 component *(ARP9) of INO80 chromatin remodeling complex 0.9751901061802906 41 Sobic.008G171700.1 component *(ORC3) of origin recognition complex 0.9751369271310191 42 Sobic.009G213200.2 Unknown function 0.9746637488598513 43 Sobic.003G143800.1 Unknown function 0.9741832012651924 44 Sobic.003G432300.1 Unknown function 0.9738883438775945 45 Sobic.001G015500.1 component *(ALB3) of thylakoid membrane SRP insertion system 0.9735678106781784 46 Sobic.007G011600.1 Unknown function 0.9732647371824225 47 Sobic.002G136300.1 Unknown function 0.9731422406149606 48 Sobic.003G072500.1 regulatory protein of DNA methylation pathway *(IDN/IDP) 0.9726456059560952 49 Sobic.001G039300.1 Unknown function 0.9726343382636119 50 Sobic.003G132000.1 component *(CSN2) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9725729565160915 51 Sobic.001G423300.1 component *(Toc75-III) of outer envelope TOC translocation system 0.9724701532368668 52 Sobic.007G077900.1 Unknown function 0.9723689056515046 53 Sobic.003G338100.1 methionine-tRNA ligase 0.972226132146711 54 Sobic.001G370300.1 component *(PRPF4) of spliceosomal U4/U6 snRNP 0.9718434725061261 55 Sobic.004G129500.2 Unknown function 0.9718209597313116 56 Sobic.006G111200.1 RNA polymerase-IV-dependent siRNA polymerase *(RDR2) 0.9717066571014457 57 Sobic.001G396000.1 S9-class plastidial glutamyl peptidase *(CGEP) 0.971494542147864 58 Sobic.005G143300.1 histone chaperone *(CHZ) 0.9712959083640262 59 Sobic.006G231800.2 component *(MRE11) of MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex & component *(MRE11) of DNA resection MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex 0.970850311172878 60 Sobic.006G137600.1 cohesin cofactor *(PDS5) 0.9704037422427993 61 Sobic.005G163100.1 Unknown function 0.9703561465218159 62 Sobic.002G056400.1 component *(KU70) of Ku70-Ku80 helicase complex 0.9701985012820126 63 Sobic.005G149300.2 Unknown function 0.9701066952935721 64 Sobic.001G110600.1 kinase co-activator (ILITHYIA/GCN1) involved in eIF2 complex activation 0.9698018731749907 65 Sobic.001G061800.1 component *(RFC3) of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex 0.9697151908526498 66 Sobic.006G111800.3 Unknown function 0.9694876436709395 67 Sobic.003G375200.1 spindle assembly checkpoint protein *(MAD1) 0.969459873397921 68 Sobic.007G089800.1 SETD-type lysine N-methyltransferase 0.9693739476806923 69 Sobic.003G368200.1 Unknown function 0.9691780195021897 70 Sobic.009G167100.1 Rab GTPase-activating protein 0.9691415668992238 71 Sobic.007G224100.1 chaperone *(Hsp90) 0.9689547643649284 72 Sobic.001G252500.1 Unknown function 0.9689020352770848 73 Sobic.003G259600.1 component *(ORC4) of origin recognition complex 0.9686706440264624 74 Sobic.001G322300.1 insertase component *(Oxa1) of inner mitochondrion membrane presequence-dependent insertion system & membrane insertase (Oxa1) of cytochrome c oxidase assembly 0.9686487070159467 75 Sobic.004G064600.1 ubiquitin-proteasome shuttle factor *(RAD23) 0.9686331088793904 76 Sobic.002G152200.3 NAK protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9685844624644848 77 Sobic.010G206300.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & isoleucine-tRNA ligase 0.9680768910541666 100 Sobic.001G469200.1 component *(CSN4) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9680500387524238 79 Sobic.003G158300.3 multifunctional enzyme *(MFP) 0.9680017119402924 80 Sobic.005G010900.2 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex *(NUP188) 0.9679607781419532 81 Sobic.003G122300.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) 0.9678255926357483 82 Sobic.006G153900.1 organic anion transporter *(OATP) 0.9677893948520903 83 Sobic.010G094700.1 Unknown function 0.967683426315554 84 Sobic.001G537200.1 subunit beta of NAC ribosome-associated chaperone complex 0.9676681026822485 85 Sobic.003G249100.2 DNA bending architectural protein *(HMG-B) 0.9675656879914889 86 Sobic.001G462600.2 component *(RBL/SWD1) of COMPASS histone trimethylation complex 0.9674624166618531 87 Sobic.003G274400.1 component *(CAF1c/MSI) of CAF1 histone chaperone complex & flowering time factor *(FVE) 0.9674589820181623 88 Sobic.002G160700.1 component *(THOC3/Tex1) of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex 0.9673479182601428 89 Sobic.002G268000.3 2-keto acid transporter *(BAT) 0.9673273668229659 90 Sobic.005G169600.1 plastidial RNA splicing factor *(CFM3) 0.9671864191171946 91 Sobic.007G209600.1 histone H3K36 methylation reader *(EML) 0.9670639733188465 92 Sobic.003G287100.1 component *(TAH18) of cytosolic CIA system assembly phase 0.9668412811123928 93 Sobic.003G030500.1 regulatory RNA helicase *(RH20/RH30) of virus replication 0.9660458031622546 94 Sobic.007G014800.1 Unknown function 0.9660169962969665 95 Sobic.006G208500.1 regulatory component *(RPN2) of 26S proteasome 0.966016057429156 96 Sobic.006G266700.1 Unknown function 0.9655999271801231 97 Sobic.004G111000.1 transcriptional co-activator *(BET/GTE) 0.9655254443577886 98 Sobic.001G532100.1 component *(CSN1) of COP9 signalosome complex 0.9654162172875296 99 Sobic.008G118500.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond & tryptophan-tRNA ligase 0.965382256121448 100