Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sobic.010G086300.1 co-chaperone *(Hsp40) 0.9753315131065038 1 Sobic.004G213600.4 Unknown function 0.9702572792478906 2 Sobic.006G159300.1 Unknown function 0.9656339021635858 3 Sobic.009G025800.1 Unknown function 0.9652836571059153 4 Sobic.002G125900.1 regulatory protein *(ORM) of serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity 0.961087134016172 5 Sobic.002G257200.1 uridine/cytidine kinase & EC_2.4 glycosyltransferase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9610789655514675 6 Sobic.009G057900.1 Unknown function 0.9510262550366171 16 Sobic.006G112700.3 associated component *(POT) of telomerase ribonucleoprotein complex 0.9485185632475992 65 Sobic.004G309900.1 component *(THOC5) of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex 0.9485184738624522 31 Sobic.004G293000.1 contact site protein (VAP27) of ER-cytoskeleton-plasmamembrane interface 0.9477962587856744 55 Sobic.008G056900.1 component *(RFC4) of PCNA sliding clamp loader complex 0.9458205205509987 81 Sobic.002G380200.1 CAMTA-type transcription factor 0.9456068281312877 19 Sobic.010G079700.1 EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 0.9431658232933583 14 Sobic.002G345700.1 Nardilysin-like peptidase & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9421526811635538 62 Sobic.001G252000.1 Unknown function 0.9412711733562075 25 Sobic.008G074300.2 maleylacetoacetate isomerase *(MAAI) & class zeta glutathione S-transferase 0.9408395771501145 17 Sobic.006G187500.1 Unknown function 0.9405526987918872 18 Sobic.004G265800.1 regulatory triphosphatase *(TTM) of Programmed Cell Death 0.9395692433225374 55 Sobic.007G029500.1 Unknown function 0.9387320601081699 20 Sobic.008G070700.1 stabilization factor *(SGS3) of transacting siRNA pathway 0.9377665671426764 22 Sobic.003G359500.1 Unknown function 0.9376330782644808 22 Sobic.004G078600.1 13-lipoxygenase *(LOX) & EC_1.13 oxidoreductase acting on single donor with incorporation of molecular oxygen (oxygenase) 0.9367975363123895 24 Sobic.001G081200.2 component *(TAF6) of SAGA transcription co-activator complex 0.9346136656855367 25 Sobic.006G242000.1 C1-class subclass RD21/XCP thiol protease & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9324476326715693 63 Sobic.005G191700.1 stress granule assembly factor *(UBP1) 0.9322695469781208 56 Sobic.007G189800.1 BBX class-II transcription factor 0.9320263689401164 28 Sobic.009G028400.1 Unknown function 0.9315886291379297 29 Sobic.001G340200.4 component *(NF-YA) of NF-Y transcription factor complex 0.9314501473071928 30 Sobic.009G210800.1 Unknown function 0.9313301595099232 84 Sobic.004G173300.1 FRS/FRF-type transcription factor 0.9309805747871711 32 Sobic.009G233900.1 EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9301462934680456 68 Sobic.001G230700.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(CHY) 0.9283203560549719 37 Sobic.008G089500.1 quinolinate synthase & cysteine desulfurase activator component of plastidial SUF system assembly phase 0.9277966916706106 64 Sobic.002G136400.1 component *(INB1) of INO80 chromatin remodeling complex 0.9275167855678034 41 Sobic.002G318600.1 regulatory factor *(RBP45/47) of mRNA stress granule formation 0.927005929795258 91 Sobic.004G350000.1 putative silicon efflux transporter *(LSI2) 0.9269215490775055 44 Sobic.004G055700.2 lipoamide-containing component *(H-protein) of glycine cleavage system 0.9255537742396055 45 Sobic.003G330200.2 Unknown function 0.9255248816883916 79 Sobic.006G220600.3 glycolate oxidase & EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.9255184379992054 48 Sobic.008G125100.1 dihydrofolate synthetase & EC_6.3 ligase forming carbon-nitrogen bond 0.9245714300008339 49 Sobic.009G080200.1 receptor component *(PYL/RCAR) of cytoplasm-localized abscisic acid receptor complex 0.9210439882182148 58 Sobic.004G318000.1 Unknown function 0.9209757478393323 77 Sobic.009G234200.1 Unknown function 0.9198050914492215 71 Sobic.002G252100.1 component *(MBD2) of histone deacetylation complex & methylation reader *(MBD1-4/12) 0.919563232409909 82 Sobic.002G145000.1 component *(NRPB3) of RNA polymerase II complex & component *(NRPD3) of RNA polymerase IV complex & component *(NRPE3) of RNA polymerase V complex 0.919560727166637 67 Sobic.008G172300.1 component *(Pex2) of receptor polyubiquitination system 0.9195567253324373 68 Sobic.003G391300.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase 0.9192838349797913 69 Sobic.003G381300.2 Unknown function 0.9187263893339669 71 Sobic.007G163800.1 subfamily ABCB transporter 0.9186465851432928 72 Sobic.010G274800.1 Unknown function 0.9183097908665524 73 Sobic.001G006000.1 endoribonuclease *(SOT1) 0.9180918253719926 74 Sobic.002G363800.3 Unknown function 0.9180531756661301 94 Sobic.002G418600.1 chromatin remodeling factor *(SHPRH) 0.917945165885955 77 Sobic.002G127900.2 ABC1 atypical protein kinase 0.9168021679331617 80 Sobic.003G237000.2 molybdate transporter *(MOT) & molybdate transporter *(MOT) 0.9156932160648061 82 Sobic.003G403500.1 Unknown function 0.9156635427966369 83 Sobic.001G528200.2 RAV/NGATHA-type transcription factor 0.914906384581183 86 Sobic.009G099500.1 Unknown function 0.9126601448395856 98