Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.9G568700.1 RNA splicing factor *(RS31/40/41) 0.9421582962581135 8 Seita.8G067700.1 ubiquitin adaptor protein *(TOL) 0.9380232446212516 65 Seita.6G200200.1 chaperone *(Hsp90) 0.9372529162322253 30 Seita.3G279300.1 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin *(IMB1) 0.9368482358136411 79 Seita.5G012900.1 Unknown function 0.9366810043632826 65 Seita.3G390300.1 ribosome assembly GTPase *(LSG1) 0.936453952764034 28 Seita.6G014500.1 Unknown function 0.9356505102980592 7 Seita.6G206000.1 histone H3K36 methylation reader *(EML) 0.9321405226480888 72 Seita.9G446600.1 subfamily ABCC transporter 0.9298598847226548 11 Seita.1G327700.1 regulatory protein *(CYCD) of cell cycle 0.9296015328465692 14 Seita.9G363200.1 Unknown function 0.9292869637831083 39 Seita.6G011500.1 flavoprotein component *(SDH1) of succinate dehydrogenase complex & EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor 0.9291606099286985 15 Seita.8G193200.1 large subunit of TFIf basal transcription factor complex 0.9287005767942107 80 Seita.6G025200.1 regulatory component *(RPN12) of 26S proteasome 0.9247139235481333 81 Seita.1G356900.1 sliding clamp protein *(PCNA) 0.9240916035252799 36 Seita.3G235700.1 NAC-type transcription factor 0.9222268294390775 22 Seita.9G278400.1 modification reader component *(LHP1) of PRC1 histone mono-ubiquitination complex 0.9202255317114997 26 Seita.4G100200.1 Unknown function 0.9192725509813389 28 Seita.9G073900.1 component *(uS14) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome 0.9158225548942744 64 Seita.2G399400.1 Unknown function 0.9157441968805722 75 Seita.5G097300.1 substrate adaptor component *(DDB2) of UV-DDB CUL4-based E3 ubiquitin ligase module 0.914509535048603 39 Seita.6G231600.1 methionyl aminopeptidase *(MAP2) 0.9138891089496345 83 Seita.2G054500.1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP63/CYP95) & EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase 0.9076069749386074 68 Seita.4G072100.1 profilin actin nucleation protein 0.9059412710015776 72 Seita.3G220100.1 Unknown function 0.9054694489417128 98 Seita.7G051100.1 component *(SPT16) of FACT histone chaperone complex 0.9024192416196789 82 Seita.2G181800.1 component *(eL19) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome 0.9023447180445475 83 Seita.2G146300.1 component *(NOT10) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.9018717961242388 92 Seita.6G153800.1 mRNA-binding adaptor ALY/Tho4 of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex 0.9012888480538849 91 Seita.6G008100.1 component *(CAF1b/FAS2) of CAF1 histone chaperone complex 0.9002188992487477 96 Seita.6G210700.1 Unknown function 0.9001477008239798 99