Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.7G113200.1 component *(SPCs2) of SPC endoplasmic signal peptidase complex 0.9681733878991452 5 Seita.3G122800.1 Unknown function 0.9657590631904877 10 Seita.6G036900.1 aconitase *(ACO) & aconitase & EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.9648193526568982 4 Seita.2G391400.1 Unknown function 0.9645630313126843 5 Seita.7G190300.1 subunit alpha of CCT chaperonin folding complex *(CCT1) 0.9620250463615514 40 Seita.7G268600.1 protein disulfide isomerase *(PDI-S) & protein disulfide isomerase *(PDI-A) 0.9610588552429963 23 Seita.1G167900.1 E1 UFM ubiquitin-activating enzyme 0.9603649626487922 17 Seita.3G299900.1 proline-tRNA ligase 0.9603592848767496 100 Seita.6G068900.1 RNA editing factor *(ORRM2) 0.9590697687525918 72 Seita.5G046400.1 Unknown function 0.9572434734996256 29 Seita.2G409800.1 component *(BET3) of TRAPP-I/II/III complex-shared components 0.9568716266317641 11 Seita.9G027600.1 Unknown function 0.955645010492243 41 Seita.5G164700.1 Unknown function 0.9551690175931816 25 Seita.3G358300.1 component *(VPS26) of Retromer protein recycling complex 0.9549947709452582 14 Seita.2G163400.1 Unknown function 0.951142372925018 17 Seita.5G423700.1 component *(HAP6) of oligosaccharyl transferase (OST) complex 0.9505281798657792 97 Seita.4G110400.1 Unknown function 0.9502129445491905 21 Seita.1G158300.1 sporopollenin export factor *(IEF) 0.9500632542370558 98 Seita.3G001200.1 EC_1.8 oxidoreductase acting on sulfur group of donor & farnesyl-L-cysteine lyase *(FLCY) 0.9498582821194195 36 Seita.9G463000.1 component *(HRD3) of ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery 0.9487195579676061 58 Seita.1G206600.1 brassinosteroid co-receptor protein kinase *(BAK/SERK) & LRR-II protein kinase & co-receptor kinase component of FLS2-BAK1 flagellin receptor complex & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9469824521707297 88 Seita.6G023200.1 component *(MPC2) of mitochondrial pyruvate transporter & component *(MPC2) of MPC pyruvate carrier complex 0.9464880196626901 32 Seita.6G057100.1 component *(eL34) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome 0.9444180271056373 35 Seita.5G123100.1 EC_1.6 oxidoreductase acting on NADH or NADPH 0.9430516381867471 73 Seita.5G471000.1 co-chaperone *(P58) 0.9422506711129239 68 Seita.5G347500.1 Unknown function 0.9420087290591996 41 Seita.3G054400.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) & A1-class (Pepsin) protease 0.9417768105470423 100 Seita.9G395100.1 protein S-acyltransferase *(PAT17) 0.9417423322205707 44 Seita.1G154600.1 component *(PFD1) of Prefoldin co-chaperone complex 0.9413993196482523 46 Seita.8G076700.1 LRR-Xa protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9406635583207751 49 Seita.1G333000.1 component *(p24-delta) of GPI-anchor protein cargo receptor complex 0.9405543388056316 51 Seita.6G051700.1 Unknown function 0.9400307315059245 92 Seita.2G022000.1 ubiquitin-binding adaptor *(UFD3) 0.939674733090061 73 Seita.1G052400.1 ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor *(BIG) 0.9384699306448436 80 Seita.3G318500.1 Unknown function 0.9377383620067052 82 Seita.1G283100.1 Unknown function 0.9375178707580889 85 Seita.7G243000.1 component *(SRP14) of SRP (signal recognition particle) complex 0.9372429576772139 76 Seita.3G002100.1 phosphometabolite transporter *(KVAG) 0.9367010320533431 78 Seita.1G238300.1 subunit beta of succinyl-CoA ligase heterodimer 0.9343726659716687 92 Seita.5G115300.1 component *(NRPA3) of RNA polymerase I complex & component *(NRPC3) of RNA polymerase III complex 0.9338643575656664 98