Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.1G079200.1 regulatory protein of RNA homeostasis 0.901965407937345 79 Seita.4G118900.1 component *(ATG2) of autophagosome ATG9-2-18 membrane shuttling complex 0.8785398859426578 96 Seita.5G179100.1 Unknown function 0.876010917493228 49 Seita.3G130400.1 EC_6.1 ligase forming carbon-oxygen bond 0.8724201351115713 79 Seita.7G290800.1 5,10-methenyl-THF synthetase 0.8716046765701745 14 Seita.9G501600.1 Unknown function 0.8643680802066088 34 Seita.9G289000.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(AIRP1) 0.8614924052170619 68 Seita.7G305800.1 Unknown function 0.8515027484818993 48 Seita.5G019700.1 Unknown function 0.8447147001630045 83 Seita.9G065200.1 component *(NOT9) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.8427196142842368 70 Seita.1G351200.1 Unknown function 0.8392787019043322 78 Seita.6G212100.1 Unknown function 0.8391615867528988 79