Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.1G307800.1 A1-class (Pepsin) protease & aspartyl protease (APCB) of BAG6-dependent plant immunity 0.9438741341742288 25 Seita.8G228300.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9391466422000369 57 Seita.1G164400.1 HSF-type transcription factor 0.9342768904752242 64 Seita.9G107100.1 transcription factor 0.9309463560119265 84 Seita.7G138100.1 Unknown function 0.9300092361064841 89 Seita.1G199100.1 methylation reader Alfin of PRC1 complex 0.9282042236189841 48 Seita.3G206800.1 Unknown function 0.9247957601270387 39 Seita.4G098100.1 Unknown function 0.9237614495989531 53 Seita.5G434000.1 regulatory component *(VPS30/ATG6) of PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II 0.9222780215866265 22 Seita.2G201100.1 ubiquitin-proteasome shuttle factor *(RAD23) 0.9208630364479748 41 Seita.2G258400.1 co-chaperone *(Hsp40) 0.920831487629061 74 Seita.1G087300.1 substrate adaptor of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase *(ADO) 0.9208143705974158 20 Seita.3G256400.1 CDKC protein kinase & catalytic component *(CDKC) of cyclin-dependent kinase complex & catalytic component *(CDKC-1/CTK1) of polymerase-II kinase complex & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9199798938737707 35 Seita.1G288300.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.9178059733111029 42 Seita.5G428700.1 regulatory nucleoporin of CPR5-CKI signalling pathway & scaffold nucleoporin *(CPR5) 0.9141628538810653 41 Seita.4G036900.1 Unknown function 0.913845805671736 53 Seita.3G211000.1 Unknown function 0.9121392083246107 33 Seita.3G211100.1 Unknown function 0.9121392083246107 34 Seita.3G351400.1 Unknown function 0.9095622062081273 52 Seita.7G170600.1 indole-3-acetic acid amidohydrolase *(ILR) 0.9092916001469485 95 Seita.3G191400.1 protease *(Deg) 0.9078678366456311 50 Seita.2G160200.1 proton 0.9050265293335176 51 Seita.8G242300.1 WAK/WAKL protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9025770542249889 56 Seita.9G023100.1 Unknown function 0.9019026430167599 100 Seita.2G142500.1 regulatory protein *(CYCLASE) of Programmed Cell Death 0.9013150292315888 71 Seita.1G332000.1 lipase *(OBL) 0.9010063219408386 70 Seita.5G099700.1 N-recognin component *(GID4/GID10) of GID ubiquitinination complex 0.9008919650736017 84 Seita.5G125900.1 reader component *(TDRD3) of TDRD3-TOP3B methyl-arginine reader complex 0.8989516121661999 73 Seita.8G138200.1 Unknown function 0.897803978964401 80 Seita.9G528600.1 Unknown function 0.8957433791937004 90