Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.4G220100.1 cytosolic fructose-bisphosphate aldolase & fructose-bisphosphate aldolase *(FBA) & EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase 0.9245361586477198 38 Seita.5G302800.1 component *(SPA) of substrate adaptor module of CUL4-based ubiquitin ligase complex 0.9225817133701023 70 Seita.7G182600.1 translation elongation factor *(EF-G) 0.9080136820440976 81 Seita.5G299100.1 scaffold protein HCF101 of plastidial SUF system transfer phase & protein involved in PS-I assembly *(HCF101) 0.9047356759899875 100 Seita.5G427800.1 regulatory protein of RNA homeostasis 0.9046698413111923 95 Seita.8G056200.1 Unknown function 0.8962314200020159 13 Seita.8G140900.1 Unknown function 0.8851700005486378 32 Seita.7G090500.1 alpha-type carbonic anhydrase & EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase 0.8823856779669451 83 Seita.2G428400.1 component alpha of actin capping protein heterodimer 0.8822408732587631 67 Seita.5G393200.1 cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase & cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase & EC_3.1 hydrolase acting on ester bond 0.8818502338056303 94 Seita.5G248900.1 Unknown function 0.880991926506289 43 Seita.1G373800.1 subunit F of V-type ATPase peripheral V1 subcomplex 0.8801620687735964 44 Seita.1G263000.1 organic phosphate/glycerol-3-phosphate permease *(G3P) 0.8776020918438072 50 Seita.4G020600.1 BBR/BPC-type transcription factor 0.8707444804075943 77 Seita.4G007200.1 uridylate kinase *(UMK) & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8699102368964307 65 Seita.7G146500.1 Unknown function 0.8693769723311794 66 Seita.4G170300.1 actin stability factor *(PMI1) 0.8679666724522919 71 Seita.9G321300.1 Unknown function 0.8675187745747739 78 Seita.4G257800.1 ARF-type transcription factor 0.8669298288577195 76 Seita.9G422800.1 small basic intrinsic protein *(SIP) 0.8664138515350805 83 Seita.7G141900.1 TOR-dependent regulatory protein *(MRF) of protein translation 0.8591252058534442 98