Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.1G238300.1 subunit beta of succinyl-CoA ligase heterodimer 0.9389166234214653 31 Seita.3G359300.1 Unknown function 0.9379174190564138 91 Seita.1G279000.1 medium subunit mu of AP-2 cargo adaptor complex 0.9332935154580008 56 Seita.4G128700.1 Unknown function 0.9331397538117258 85 Seita.7G070100.1 SMARCD component *(SWP73) of chromatin remodeling complex 0.9303029857484741 6 Seita.2G266000.1 beta-type-6 component *(PBF) of 26S proteasome 0.9199715414428771 39 Seita.7G180900.1 Unknown function 0.917324850685397 59 Seita.2G303500.1 component *(SPCs3) of SPC endoplasmic signal peptidase complex 0.9083180462512794 83 Seita.4G237000.1 Unknown function 0.9068934583117787 76 Seita.1G283700.1 regulatory protein *(SCAMP) of exocytic trafficking 0.9051752412287851 21 Seita.4G131900.1 fatty acid export protein *(FAX) 0.904796416027142 61 Seita.6G207200.1 RNA editing factor *(REME1) 0.9016730938614549 25 Seita.3G057600.1 Unknown function 0.9006077372465822 60 Seita.7G270100.1 component *(ECHIDNA) of trans-Golgi-network (TGN) trafficking complex 0.8996622487238809 38 Seita.4G272300.1 Unknown function 0.8989600494336193 36 Seita.4G124900.1 regulatory protein *(MPB2C) of plasmodesmata intercellular trafficking 0.8970077547483549 70 Seita.9G370000.1 nucleoredoxin *(NRX) & EC_1.8 oxidoreductase acting on sulfur group of donor 0.8961481800351188 42 Seita.7G119300.1 clade F phosphatase 0.8951529875878979 44 Seita.7G290000.1 phosphatase component *(Ssu72) of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex & PTP phosphatase *(SSU72) 0.89507721601548 46 Seita.2G272500.1 beta-type-7 component *(PBG) of 26S proteasome 0.8940981172940381 52 Seita.9G307100.1 mannan synthase *(CSLD) 0.8910039471981438 58 Seita.1G328700.1 TERT 0.8859746140178888 73 Seita.1G323800.1 Unknown function 0.8855846377729781 75 Seita.5G370400.1 subunit delta of cargo adaptor F-subcomplex 0.8846212592739717 79 Seita.2G341100.1 Unknown function 0.8839036644962404 81 Seita.3G090300.1 argininosuccinate synthetase & EC_6.3 ligase forming carbon-nitrogen bond 0.8821337268987902 86 Seita.5G048500.1 calcium sensor *(CML) & calcium sensor *(CaM) 0.8807253120955839 98