Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.4G086000.1 Unknown function 0.9109495539988246 70 Seita.9G360200.1 E4 polyubiquitination factor *(UFD2) 0.8998085968377612 16 Seita.1G000500.1 Unknown function 0.8708844743230645 62 Seita.6G231300.1 Unknown function 0.8577628288549428 51 Seita.6G233000.1 regulatory protein *(LARP6) of mRNA quality control 0.848389358431343 33 Seita.5G247900.1 component *(ArpC2) of Arp2/3 actin polymerization initiation complex 0.8477895928443479 34 Seita.9G260900.1 deadenylase component *(CCR4) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.8350704115466037 65 Seita.6G022000.1 regulatory component *(RPN2) of 26S proteasome 0.8286693661736694 83 Seita.4G065800.1 Unknown function 0.8278974601033672 73 Seita.4G266600.1 xanthoxin oxidase molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3) & molybdopterin sulfurase *(ABA3) 0.8231083410765834 87 Seita.7G332900.1 subunit beta of co-translational insertion system Sec61 subcomplex 0.820933803688939 96