Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.5G370600.1 histone *(H2A) 0.8490870964893216 3 Seita.2G287100.1 histone *(H2A) 0.8490870964893216 3 Seita.1G329800.1 chromatin remodeling factor *(RAD54) 0.8482914829124747 5 Seita.7G105500.1 histone *(H3) 0.8443013781772586 4 Seita.3G227400.1 histone *(H3) 0.8323418674538288 5 Seita.2G023300.1 chromatin remodeling factor *(DDM1) 0.8190805901798942 6 Seita.1G342800.1 chromatin stabilizing factor *(TSK) 0.8004855232959227 55 Seita.2G400500.1 component *(ORC6) of origin recognition complex 0.8002816712137824 8 Seita.3G152200.1 plant-specific E3 ubiquitin ligase *(RSL/RFA) 0.788208299148177 88 Seita.3G063000.1 histone *(H2A) 0.7841850382426451 11 Seita.1G073700.1 subunit C of ribonuclease H2 complex 0.766791987989479 76 Seita.3G183600.1 component *(BRCA1/BARD1) of BRCA1-BARD1 ubiquitination heterodimer 0.7629656461303825 14 Seita.9G577900.1 mitochondrial phosphatidylserine decarboxylase & EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase 0.7601329699275008 69 Seita.9G531300.1 histone *(H2A) 0.7438949632486324 17 Seita.9G015800.1 Unknown function 0.7335982591444915 29 Seita.6G243300.1 Kinesin-5-type motor protein 0.7039685977089665 50 Seita.5G081600.1 subunit beta of ATP synthase peripheral MF1 subcomplex 0.6941212978477751 73 Seita.4G066000.1 histone *(H3) 0.6914257418378765 43 Seita.5G114900.1 DMC1-recombinase recruitment protein *(BRCA2) & component *(BRCA2) of regulatory BRCC deubiquination complex 0.6880335271604959 43 Seita.3G252600.1 Unknown function 0.6804608595808669 76 Seita.4G289600.1 Unknown function 0.6768225810723034 57 Seita.1G080900.1 Unknown function 0.6742496169720964 58 Seita.2G115900.1 solute transporter *(UmamiT) 0.6664043812902024 70 Seita.9G450000.1 histone *(H2A) 0.6631681180362045 74 Seita.1G284800.1 DNA topoisomerase *(TOP2) 0.6581555604110567 75