Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.7G223400.1 clathrin cargo adaptor *(Epsin) 0.8871100533056477 10 Seita.7G237500.1 LRR-VIII-2 protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8829164774401015 5 Seita.1G147700.1 Qbc-type SNAP25-group component of SNARE membrane fusion complex 0.8781604758475035 6 Seita.9G079800.1 SnRK2 SNF1-related protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.8655617878436166 4 Seita.4G202400.1 associated protein of ESCRT-III complex *(VPS46/CHMP1) 0.8542885788492086 33 Seita.5G005700.1 Unknown function 0.8489430761200417 34 Seita.9G106200.1 Unknown function 0.841758758346809 12 Seita.2G413500.1 BSD-type transcription factor 0.8397304791379329 25 Seita.8G018800.1 UMF23-type solute transporter 0.8338924694683418 9 Seita.3G230500.1 Unknown function 0.8337450539310611 40 Seita.3G118600.1 Unknown function 0.8336693904864695 53 Seita.2G389500.1 EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor 0.8270633958618638 80 Seita.5G220100.1 component *(LUG/LUH) of transcriptional co-repressor complex 0.8255420248700431 65 Seita.8G105300.1 anion transporter *(NRT1/PTR) 0.8248326307022549 75 Seita.5G097000.1 ATPase component *(VPS4/SKD1) of VPS4-VTA1 ESCRT-disassembly complex & EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride 0.8240123514469946 82 Seita.2G299000.1 SMARCI component *(BRD) of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex 0.8206974881474209 21 Seita.5G470600.1 Unknown function 0.8186937434151808 36 Seita.5G385200.1 component *(COI) of jasmonic acid receptor complex 0.8161000116413324 24 Seita.8G202000.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(AIRP1) 0.8159044115367975 26 Seita.9G528900.1 BEL-type transcription factor 0.81324290354805 31 Seita.3G060900.1 Globulin-type seed storage protein 0.8096187353645382 97 Seita.3G044400.1 transcription factor *(TFIIIa) 0.8090847001785282 28 Seita.3G230400.1 SnRK2 SNF1-related protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.808065764184926 29 Seita.3G036300.1 lipid droplet-associated factor *(LDAP) 0.8060498593803187 41 Seita.9G392900.1 Unknown function 0.8031923447832591 42 Seita.9G065200.1 component *(NOT9) of mRNA deadenylation CCR4-NOT complex 0.8011373866962284 34 Seita.6G060700.1 Unknown function 0.795134293572236 71 Seita.1G227300.1 Unknown function 0.7929876034992648 44 Seita.9G229800.1 component *(GID7) of GID ubiquitination complex 0.7913188810001882 47 Seita.4G264700.1 Unknown function 0.7867129207604119 64 Seita.1G245600.1 component *(Pex4) of receptor monoubiquitination system 0.7843946110861734 54 Seita.2G121000.1 Unknown function 0.7842554998563013 55 Seita.1G211700.1 Unknown function 0.7787336361918744 59 Seita.3G006300.1 MAP3K-RAF protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.7777262062005765 61 Seita.2G131300.1 Unknown function 0.7768102790882668 63 Seita.5G169900.1 class phi glutathione S-transferase 0.7751736271636164 91 Seita.9G031800.1 GRAS-type transcription factor 0.7736299028255871 95 Seita.9G188500.1 Unknown function 0.7720161191615151 69 Seita.3G122400.1 cysteine oxidase *(PCO) 0.7698142149886923 72 Seita.2G436400.1 NAC-type transcription factor 0.7684719834272787 75 Seita.9G313100.1 regulatory component *(AIPP2) of chromatin silencing regulator complex 0.7667073631989354 79 Seita.3G191700.1 modification writer component *(RING1) of modification writer protein components 0.762819590285472 85 Seita.3G085400.1 homologous recombination repair exonuclease *(EXO1) 0.7617610921756681 88