Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.1G034700.1 subunit B of V-type ATPase peripheral V1 subcomplex 0.9614308759919103 1 Seita.7G260300.1 ubiquitin-proteasome shuttle factor *(NUB1) 0.952480703544149 64 Seita.1G147900.1 Unknown function 0.9493462564017017 3 Seita.7G169700.1 M28-class carboxypeptidase 0.948400292952727 99 Seita.5G197000.1 deubiquitinase *(UBP6-7) 0.9466571563927875 58 Seita.4G131700.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase component *(HRD1) of ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery 0.9448204160747371 6 Seita.7G193800.1 PLP-dependent serine racemase & EC_5.1 racemase or epimerase 0.9441374457182348 17 Seita.7G065600.1 Rab GTPase-activating protein 0.9418951301935358 49 Seita.3G124400.1 Unknown function 0.9406147645930625 92 Seita.6G091500.1 glycerol-3-phosphatase 0.9396504927078749 10 Seita.2G231600.1 EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor 0.9371919521006925 28 Seita.4G139600.1 reticulophagy cargo receptor *(C53) 0.935847208697233 29 Seita.2G259600.1 Unknown function 0.9357866768451105 13 Seita.2G164100.1 NAK protein kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9346896124535046 50 Seita.3G109500.1 beta-type-2 component *(PBB) of 26S proteasome 0.9328196474888716 95 Seita.9G567000.1 Unknown function 0.9317219277416587 82 Seita.9G425900.1 O-acetyltransferase *(RWA) 0.9316130741017015 18 Seita.1G037400.1 regulatory protein DRL1 of ELONGATOR transcription elongation complex 0.9313451015850474 70 Seita.1G245700.1 alpha-type-2 component *(PAB) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9309229664700723 52 Seita.2G306400.1 nicotinate transporter *(NiaP) 0.9307111184255619 67 Seita.7G143500.1 regulatory component *(RPN7) of 26S proteasome 0.930666155039393 53 Seita.6G224500.1 component *(p24-beta) of GPI-anchor protein cargo receptor complex 0.9303418258413917 23 Seita.9G090400.1 Unknown function 0.9286671603487773 26 Seita.3G131500.1 Unknown function 0.9283620273579408 35 Seita.5G041500.1 subunit beta of class-II glucosidase II complex 0.927418066188903 59 Seita.2G040800.1 Unknown function 0.9252678718845256 33 Seita.7G262400.1 E3 ubiquitin ligase *(BRIZ) 0.924227632248458 98 Seita.9G129900.1 beta-type-4 component *(PBD) of 26S proteasome 0.9231797879326715 48 Seita.4G262600.1 subunit alpha of RAB-GTPase geranylgeranyltransferase (RGT) complex & EC_2.5 transferase transferring alkyl or aryl group, other than methyl group 0.9229916672235969 87 Seita.1G032400.1 component *(Clp1) of Cleavage Factor II (CF-IIm) complex 0.9228504714083385 85 Seita.9G125300.1 beta-glucosidase involved in pollen intine formation & EC_3.2 glycosylase 0.9228275393941783 56 Seita.8G121000.1 Unknown function 0.9217323193047373 47 Seita.9G278200.1 subunit alpha of TFIIf basal transcription factor complex 0.9215203186846843 59 Seita.9G078400.1 Unknown function 0.9209552712530258 69 Seita.9G009000.1 regulatory component *(RPN5) of 26S proteasome 0.9207780026142405 93 Seita.5G354800.1 alpha-type-7 component *(PAG) of 26S proteasome & EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase) 0.9197976707731647 72 Seita.2G152800.1 Unknown function 0.918812397171859 80 Seita.3G223600.1 Unknown function 0.918451062006018 57 Seita.1G068200.1 Unknown function 0.9177181394588227 59 Seita.9G146800.1 RopGEF guanine nucleotide exchange factor *(SWAP70) 0.9174292417281199 93 Seita.4G154000.1 cryptochrome photoreceptor *(CRY) 0.9173931516277232 61 Seita.2G385600.1 methylation reader Alfin of PRC1 complex 0.9164861481202441 90 Seita.4G190300.1 glutaredoxin 0.9160355274832912 66 Seita.2G401900.1 component *(p24-delta) of GPI-anchor protein cargo receptor complex 0.9137392099779621 75 Seita.9G438900.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9126564491753149 78 Seita.9G278800.1 Unknown function 0.9106914253533369 87 Seita.5G131600.1 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme *(UBC1) 0.9103697991945514 91 Seita.9G100200.1 Unknown function 0.9097789931309783 97 Seita.5G412800.1 beta-type-2 component *(PBB) of 26S proteasome 0.9095324702722123 97 Seita.5G041200.1 Unknown function 0.9094186444354299 98