Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.4G223700.1 R-loop reader protein *(ALBA1/2) 0.9497329202094713 55 Seita.2G344700.1 component *(eL38) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome 0.9477790531470064 16 Seita.2G333600.1 component *(eL38) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome 0.9477790531470064 16 Seita.5G064700.1 Unknown function 0.9461579966363205 6 Seita.3G217000.1 component *(eL36) of large ribosomal-subunit (LSU) proteome 0.9450573395596439 29 Seita.4G226100.1 phosphatase-type DBP-type transcription factor & clade G phosphatase *(DBP) 0.939791145337165 37 Seita.9G526900.1 Unknown function 0.9339436572417453 38 Seita.9G319200.1 nucleoside diphosphate kinase & EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.9305208593187115 68 Seita.7G334900.1 monoacylglycerol lipase 0.9295220722406808 18 Seita.7G057400.1 Unknown function 0.9262406660455994 60 Seita.3G001000.1 solute transporter *(NIPA) 0.9259298677687762 23 Seita.3G096900.1 maleylacetoacetate isomerase *(MAAI) & class zeta glutathione S-transferase 0.9250224065238495 25 Seita.1G002300.1 component *(Sm-D3) of U1/U2/U4/U5-associated Sm accessory ribonucleoprotein complex 0.9179365796289356 76 Seita.3G211900.1 FCP subclass-E phosphatase 0.9118824050043887 71