Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Seita.9G568700.1 RNA splicing factor *(RS31/40/41) 0.9458286012447732 4 Seita.3G214600.1 G-protein-coupled receptor-like regulator (7TM) 0.9379826402040616 17 Seita.2G255900.1 chaperone HSCA of mitochondrial ISC system transfer phase & chaperone *(mtHsc70)) & chaperone component *(mtHSP70) of inner mitochondrion membrane TIM translocation system 0.9334255426465039 26 Seita.9G541600.1 Unknown function 0.931498661478942 89 Seita.4G225300.1 Unknown function 0.9304935356595088 19 Seita.6G200200.1 chaperone *(Hsp90) 0.9288233426343798 58 Seita.2G399400.1 Unknown function 0.9265101013916517 36 Seita.2G210300.1 S-adenosyl methionine decarboxylase & EC_4.1 carbon-carbon lyase 0.9152942333460837 60 Seita.9G073900.1 component *(uS14) of small ribosomal-subunit (SSU) proteome 0.909811376677522 90 Seita.1G356900.1 sliding clamp protein *(PCNA) 0.9090661013236909 87