Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g01500.1 component ARPF2 of ARPF2-ARRS1 complex 0.837031380614016 85 Mp6g01610.1 component Sm-F of U1/U2/U4/U5-associated Sm accessory ribonucleoprotein complex 0.8367151761973408 3 Mp7g14310.1 C3H zinc finger transcription factor 0.8358612409348477 33 Mp2g25290.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8273807004418345 13 Mp6g05950.1 mono-/sesquiterpene-/diterpene synthase 0.8273740040449549 28 Mp5g07650.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.825089243704942 56 Mp3g12300.2 alpha-class expansin 0.8118690256655822 94 Mp8g17300.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8106806289833365 61 Mp2g06950.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8096729377061868 99 Mp4g01230.1 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g31850, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sz52|pp344_arath : 388.0) 0.8080078918581225 24 Mp4g04710.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8050158775743508 44 Mp5g20480.1 pre-40S ribosomal subunit assembly factor (RRP7) 0.8012674211069446 18 Mp2g19130.1 component mtRPS17 of small ribosomal subunit proteome 0.8007150969014301 19 Mp4g06290.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7975144443518654 21 Mp6g06030.1 pre-60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor (SSF1) 0.7936916620573448 36 Mp8g07450.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7868900491901012 70 Mp7g07160.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7833443068884883 28 Mp6g11150.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.782164504669268 52 Mp3g00640.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7782429553629302 43 Mp1g03850.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7752099092913521 46 Mp1g14050.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7698470891279573 60 Mp2g23260.1 component mtRPL17 of large ribosomal subunit proteome 0.7676326583349383 48 Mp6g07700.1 subunit 1 of Pol I RNA polymerase 0.7658092482359382 45 Mp1g16190.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7630262219168534 47 Mp8g02470.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7587430014157508 53 Mp1g18840.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7536847412392871 65 Mp7g00920.1 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT4-8) 0.7533461763662488 74 Mp1g06150.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7463808494822911 71 Mp1g10510.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7435451330122339 76 Mp1g17770.1 deadenylase component CCR4 of CCR4-NOT complex 0.7414219768065105 84 Mp4g15400.1 component KAE1 of tRNA N6-threonylcarbamoylation KEOPS/EKC complex 0.7408829378214097 86 Mp4g17080.1 mRNA endoribonuclease (G3BP) 0.7340595360289459 91 Mp8g00240.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.727019909162663 99