Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Sopen02g027080 Ring finger domain 0.8752714982102482 3 Sopen01g003140 ESCO1/2 acetyl-transferase 0.8733617129390542 6 Sopen04g002570 hypothetical protein 0.8514773716756502 14 Sopen12g034020 hypothetical protein 0.8322100196674509 12 Sopen01g040400 Microtubule associated protein (MAP65/ASE1 family) 0.8291379610164269 7 Sopen03g002310 Protein kinase domain 0.8208540160276165 86 Sopen04g032160 Leucine Rich Repeat 0.8178283652036107 8 Sopen00g003660 hypothetical protein 0.816781914328643 17 Sopen06g031650 Cupin 0.8159477210352484 10 Sopen12g015900 Retrotransposon gag protein 0.8154222279343752 11 Sopen07g027360 hypothetical protein 0.8103088096863829 40 Sopen12g030770 NAD dependent epimerase/dehydratase family 0.8050343687468258 40 Sopen06g017960 Ion transport protein 0.8008620887446777 28 Sopen04g028500 hypothetical protein 0.7976795420084923 18 Sopen10g004280 Lanthionine synthetase C-like protein 0.7944015339444702 36 Sopen06g020670 Domain of unknown function (DUF296) 0.7877046556371752 19 Sopen06g002370 hypothetical protein 0.7841017096175804 64 Sopen01g035480 Ring finger domain 0.7706691884459711 34 Sopen04g013960 hypothetical protein 0.7702284228394448 61 Sopen08g017220 hypothetical protein 0.7689879662078116 35 Sopen06g024590 Protein of unknown function (DUF1677) 0.766031260510058 46 Sopen12g010460 hypothetical protein 0.7658949033595318 31 Sopen09g006780 Legume lectin domain 0.7646728992264493 100 Sopen01g041240 hypothetical protein 0.7644844354883623 77 Sopen08g005250 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.7632618696180894 89 Sopen08g029790 hypothetical protein 0.7608879810892856 93 Sopen03g038970 Mitochondrial carrier protein 0.760466946532005 39 Sopen09g016260 hypothetical protein 0.7564387665873293 42 Sopen11g011160 hypothetical protein 0.7562699948632541 80 Sopen12g032360 Peroxidase 0.7544619131224788 46 Sopen01g035900 hypothetical protein 0.7509561687322065 51 Sopen06g019300 hypothetical protein 0.7481763781536382 79 Sopen02g019960 hypothetical protein 0.7464494510098104 57 Sopen02g023230 hypothetical protein 0.7462190777232405 59 Sopen10g027290 hypothetical protein 0.742651200514144 68 Sopen06g004230 PAPA-1-like conserved region 0.7410613739992653 65 Sopen04g030380 Rhamnogalacturonate lyase family 0.7340109991063875 73 Sopen04g016260 hypothetical protein 0.7334085842254777 74 Sopen05g028370 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.7324671556638616 76 Sopen10g002830 hypothetical protein 0.7311980343193574 79 Sopen07g032410 FBD 0.7304596083150011 83 Sopen07g007740 Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) 0.7281734554806466 86 Sopen12g022320 Integral membrane protein S linking to the trans Golgi network 0.7272088195823603 87 Sopen11g014200 hypothetical protein 0.7260042228511108 91 Sopen03g040890 Beta-ketoacyl synthase, C-terminal domain 0.7243643132537589 93 Sopen04g028380 hypothetical protein 0.7238935656872341 94 Sopen00g009660 Ring finger domain 0.7232125954822669 96