145354 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 709, subfamily B, polypeptide 2 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
183651 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 72, subfamily A, polypeptide 7 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
267282 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 709, subfamily B, polypeptide 2 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
405350 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 72, subfamily A, polypeptide 15 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
441298 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 709, subfamily B, polypeptide 2 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
80863 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 72, subfamily A, polypeptide 8 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
94541 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 709, subfamily B, polypeptide 2 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_15844 | No alias | cytochrome p450 734a1 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_39188 | No alias | cytochrome p450 734a1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_40106 | No alias | cytochrome p450 734a1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At3g14610 | No alias | Cytochrome P450 [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:Q9LUD3] | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At3g14690 | No alias | Cytochrome P450, family 72, subfamily A, polypeptide 15... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi1g20240 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 709, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi2g44330 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 72, subfamily A, polypeptide 14 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi3g36430 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 735, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.13G046400 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 735, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.17G249400 | No alias | cytochrome P450, family 721, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU3Hr1G116320.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU5Hr1G008830.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os01g43710 | No alias | cytochrome P450 72A1, putative, expressed | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_3670g0010 | No alias | (at2g26710 : 467.0) Encodes a member of the cytochrome... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
PSME_00028911-RA | No alias | "(at2g46950 : 288.0) member of CYP709B; ""cytochrome... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
PSME_00045982-RA | No alias | "(at2g46950 : 466.0) member of CYP709B; ""cytochrome... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.1G042800.1 | No alias | brassinosteroid hydroxylase *(CYP72B) & EC_1.14... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.4G043300.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.04 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.5G235300.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.6G155100.1 | No alias | zeatin-type-cytokinin synthase *(CYP735A) & EC_1.14... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.9G391000.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.002G197000.1 | No alias | zeatin-type-cytokinin synthase *(CYP735A) & EC_1.14... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.002G388800.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.003G228600.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.003G229200.1 | No alias | EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.004G086400.1 | No alias | brassinosteroid hydroxylase *(CYP72B) & EC_1.14... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Solyc03g120060 | No alias | castasterone 26-hydroxylase | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sopen07g030750 | No alias | Cytochrome P450 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sopen10g003800 | No alias | Cytochrome P450 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |