412693 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_11348 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor erf010 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_16905 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor 5 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_27755 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor 1a | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_30642 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor 15 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
A4A49_42272 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor 4 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At1g12630 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF027... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At1g22190 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-13... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At2g46310 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor CRF5... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At4g16750 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF039... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At4g25470 | No alias | C-repeat binding factor 2 [Source:UniProtKB/TrEMBL;Acc:B2BIW9] | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At4g36900 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor RAP2-10... | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
At5g52020 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF025... | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi1g00666 | No alias | ethylene response factor 1 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi1g57970 | No alias | C-repeat/DRE binding factor 2 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi3g33355 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi3g60120 | No alias | related to AP2 12 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Bradi4g38932 | No alias | ethylene-responsive element binding factor 15 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.A00880.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-IX transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.A00881.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-IX transcription factor | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.A02830.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-VIII transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.A03203.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-VII transcription factor & transcription... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.B02236.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-IV/DREB2 transcription factor | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.D02156.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-III transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.D02449.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-IV/DREB2 transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.H01777.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-I transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.I03383.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-II-DEAR transcription factor | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Brara.K00718.1 | No alias | transcription factor *(CRF) & subgroup ERF-VI... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
GRMZM2G066158 | No alias | ERF domain protein 12 | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
GRMZM2G111415 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
GRMZM2G421033 | No alias | DREB and EAR motif protein 3 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.01G074200 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.01G206700 | No alias | ethylene responsive element binding factor 5 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.01G231200 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.02G006200 | No alias | ethylene response factor 1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.02G179500 | No alias | AINTEGUMENTA-like 7 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.03G116700 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.04G041200 | No alias | DREB and EAR motif protein 3 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.04G084000 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.07G025800 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.12G103100 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.14G171500 | No alias | related to AP2 4 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Glyma.18G091600 | No alias | ethylene responsive element binding factor 3 | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU2Hr1G071270.4 | No alias | subgroup ERF-X transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU6Hr1G065430.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-III transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU7Hr1G026940.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-II-DEAR transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
HORVU7Hr1G099670.1 | No alias | Unknown function | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os01g21120 | No alias | AP2 domain containing protein, expressed | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os02g34260 | No alias | AP2 domain containing protein, expressed | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os02g38090 | No alias | AP2 domain containing protein, expressed | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os02g43790 | No alias | ethylene-responsive transcription factor, putative, expressed | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os02g43940 | No alias | AP2 domain containing protein, expressed | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os02g45450 | No alias | dehydration-responsive element-binding protein,... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
LOC_Os03g08460 | No alias | AP2 domain containing protein, expressed | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_113446g0010 | No alias | (at5g21960 : 132.0) encodes a member of the DREB... | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_166248g0010 | No alias | (at4g17500 : 138.0) Encodes a member of the ERF... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_175747g0010 | No alias | (at1g74930 : 119.0) encodes a member of the DREB... | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_5805979g0010 | No alias | (at4g17500 : 88.2) Encodes a member of the ERF (ethylene... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_6447416g0010 | No alias | (at4g17500 : 134.0) Encodes a member of the ERF... | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_7166g0010 | No alias | (at3g60490 : 102.0) encodes a member of the DREB... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
MA_9294379g0010 | No alias | (at5g11590 : 120.0) encodes a member of the DREB... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Mp4g00380.1 | No alias | no hits & (original description: none) | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Mp7g13760.1 | No alias | transcription factor (DREB) | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Mp7g17020.1 | No alias | Dehydration-responsive element-binding protein 2C... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Potri.003G071666 | No alias | related to AP2 12 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Potri.003G139300 | No alias | Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Pp1s13_457V6 | No alias | ap2 erf domain-containing transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Pp1s199_50V6 | No alias | ap2 erf domain-containing transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Pp1s292_5V6 | No alias | dreb-like protein 1 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Pp1s293_60V6 | No alias | ap2 erf domain-containing transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Pp1s38_257V6 | No alias | ap2 erf domain-containing transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.1G188000.1 | No alias | Unknown function | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.1G257300.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-IX transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.2G215500.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-VII transcription factor & transcription... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.4G016400.1 | No alias | Unknown function | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.5G406200.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-II transcription factor *(ERF19/20) | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Seita.7G188500.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-III transcription factor | 0.01 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.002G212000.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-VII transcription factor & transcription... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.004G171300.1 | No alias | Unknown function | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.004G331300.2 | No alias | subgroup ERF-V transcription factor | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sobic.010G071700.1 | No alias | subgroup ERF-VII transcription factor & transcription... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Solyc04g014530 | No alias | Ethylene Response Factor C.2 | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Solyc04g078640 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor (AHRD V3.3 *-*... | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Solyc12g005960 | No alias | Ethylene-responsive transcription factor, putative (AHRD... | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sopen05g029310 | No alias | AP2 domain | 0.02 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |
Sopen10g030870 | No alias | AP2 domain | 0.03 | Orthogroups_2024-Update | |